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"Okay . . . how am I gonna do this?" A familiar voice quietly asked himself "I can do it how Dom woke me . . . she wouldn't appreciate the cold water, so that's out of the question" a slight shuffling was heard, followed by a sigh

I felt the presence of someone in front of me, a slightly calloused finger softly brushing in between my eyebrows, slowly moving down to the tip of my nose, causing it to twitch slightly. The action being repeated three more times before my eyes opened slightly, a small groan emitting from me as I slowly pushed myself up from the bed, my comforter falling to my lap as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes with the bottom of my palm. Tucking a lock of hair behind my ears, my glasses being put on me, Mr. Massi becoming clear from his crouched position, a small smile forming on his lips.

"Your dad wanted me to wake you" he said softly, "said to get ready, were going to Walmart to get a few things, come back, then going to the set once everything is put away. We'll be there for the whole day, and we're going to have dinner with them, nothing fancy" he stood straight, causing me to follow with my gaze "coffee's on your desk, we'll leave when you're ready"

Nodding, he gave me another smile, a yawn emitting from me as he walked out of the room, closing my door as I did so,

"Siri, what's the weather?" I asked, getting up from my bed

'The weather today is eighty five degrees Fahrenheit' she replied

"Light gray jeans" I mumbled to myself, walking around my bed and heading to the shower,

I was ready within twenty minutes, wearing a pair of light grey skinny jeans, a black spaghetti strap tank top with a blue/black/grey flannel, sleeves rolled up to my elbows. The ring Misha gave me, necklace Jensen gave me, a black diamond stud on the top piercing of my ears and slightly dangling earring of anti-possession symbols on the lower, black nose ring in and simple black winged eyeliner on. The shoe department was a pair of black combat boots, a knock emitting from my door,

"Intrabit" I said in Latin

Dad came in, a small smile forming on his lips when he saw my outfit, grabbing my brace from my desk and gesturing for me to put my foot on his thigh. He put my brace on me, a small sigh emitting from my nose as I walked to my nightstand, grabbing my pill bottle and popping it open, taking one out and looking at it, shaking my head slightly before popping it in my mouth, cringing slightly at the taste.

"Ready?" Dad asked,

". . . Yeah" I replied, closing the bottle and putting it down, grabbing my fully charged phone

I grabbed my two Supernatural lanyards, letting them dangle from my back pocket- keys attached- my TWD wallet, and Chapstick. Putting Snowball in her cage and making sure its locked before following dad downstairs with Nala following, her leash in hand, Mr. Massi waiting for us by the door. I clipped her leash on her collar, leading her outside, following Mr. Massi to the car, dad locking the house after putting in his six digit code. He soon came out, the three of us- including Nala- getting in the car and driving off to Walmart.

We soon arrived at said store, I pushed my glasses up as we parked, getting out with the others and walking inside,

"Excuse me" a greeter said politely "there are no dogs allowed"

"She's a service dog" dad said to her "emotional support"

She gave him a nod, letting us walk in with dad grabbing a cart, adjusting his black ball cap as he pushed said cart,

"Grab what you need or what you're running low on and toss it in" dad instructed "don't wander too far after"

"You know I'll be where the books are" I pointed out, tossing in black eyeliner

Adopted by . . . Jeffrey Dean Morgan?Where stories live. Discover now