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A knock erupted from our hotel door, causing all of us to look toward it, Nala picking up her head and letting out a low growl, causing me to softly put my hand on her head to prevent her from moving. Dom stood from his spot on the couch, walking to the door and looking out the peephole, before unlocking it and openings it,

"Can I help you?" He asked

"Is Kita here?" The voice of Savelina asked

I rolled off the bed, landing on my feet and walking to the door,

"Hey" I greeted

"Hey, Mercedes and I were wondering if you and the twins wanted to come to the gym with us" she asked with a smile "then maybe after, we could go out for lunch and get our nails done before the show?"

"Can we?" I asked dad, looking at him

"Go ahead," he replied with a smile "just make sure you have your phone on you" causing me to nod and look back at Savelina

"Five minutes?" I asked, earning a nod

The twins and I quickly dressed in workout clothes, Nik and Dom doing the same and Nala followed at my side as we headed down to the lobby, where Savelina and Mercedes were waiting. We all had water bottles in hand, the gym being five minutes away and many restaurants being in between that distance. For those of you who don't know, Sasha Banks' name is Mercedes, she is also the cousin of Snoop Dogg, which is cool in my opinion, even though I'm not a real huge fan of his music. Add to the fact that, like, fifty percent of WWE is fake, sorry to burst your guy's bubble.

Everyone may be enemies on screen, but they could be the best of friends off screen and that's what I like about it, it's awesome. We got to the gym in no time, instantly seeing other WWE Superstars already here, Big Cass and Enzo were lifting weights, Big Show was doing back squats, Joe, Jon and Colby were running on treadmills.

"What do you guys wanna do first?" Savelina asked us

"Well, what do you normally do?" I asked

"Treadmill then weights, mostly" she answered, walking to the locker area, causing us to follow "I run for about half an hour then I'm on bench"

"Kita has to limit running" Nik said, "we're still working on strengthening her knee"

"Oh, and we have an appointment with Dr. White next weekend" I reminded "its the followup that was moved from six months to six weeks" earning a nod from him

"Ya know, what did happen to your knee?" Savelina asked curiously, tightening her shoelace "what did you do?"

"Its not what I did" I replied softly, following her to the treadmills "my biological parents were douchebags"

"You mean to tell me . . ." she trailed off, looking at me "they . . ."

"Yeah" I replied, nodding slightly "and then some"

"I'm saying this now. . ." Joe trailed off, putting his headphones around his neck "we meet them, they're dead"

"We'll personally show them The Hounds of Justice" Jon added, putting a hand on my shoulder

A small smile formed on my lips, nodding slightly and walking on the treadmill. Nik and I had worked on my knee a bit more, I was able to stand more on my knee, but that's not going to stop it from hurting. I sat on one of the mats, Nik was sitting next to me, cross legged as he numbed my knee, a small wince emitting from me. Letting out a sigh, I ran hand through my hair, tucking the longer strands behind my ears, Nik standing and holding out a hand to me.

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