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"It's good to be home" Blake said, grabbing some books from his locker

"We're back to our routine" Jake added, shutting his

"But pretty soon, we'll be out of school" I added "we'll have to come up with a new one"

"Are you three ready?" Nik asked

"You know we never are" I replied as we began to walk to the entrance of the school

Nik and Dom guarded us, shielding us as best as they could from the paparazzi, Nala even snapping at a few to get them to back off, and it worked. The lot of us piled in our black suburban, a small sigh emitting from me as I leaned my head back against the seat, the weather was getting colder, which meant no more nosebleeds for me when it comes to shooting on The Walking Dead, which also meant snuggling up on the couch with a good book, and my three companions love to snuggle me. Nala normally curls herself up on my feet, Snowball is perched on my hip and Anita likes to press herself against my stomach, I guess the three of them like being as close to me as possible, while dad still thinks they have separation anxiety.

"No homework?" Dad asked from the driver's seat, pulling into the garage

"Actually, no" I replied, looking at him "but since finals are coming up, we wanted to brush up on some things we learned this semester"

Getting out of the car, we headed inside, the twins and I ran upstairs to put our bags in my room for the time being, before heading back down, plopping ourselves down on the couch with a small sigh, Anita hopping on my lap, Nala laying down at my feet, Snowball hopping on her back before hopping on the couch, settling herself in front of Anita, a small smile forming on my lips. Tom and I text every day now, he calls me every night before I go to bed just to hear my voice and to say 'sweet dreams', those calls always lasting about five minutes, Skype every other day when he's not busy, and dad seems a little hesitant about us talking. I've met Tom's dog, Tessa, and she is the sweetest thing, her and Nala getting along almost instantly, it's so cute when they chase one another.

Of course dad was going to be hesitant on Tom and I talking a whole lot more, because he is the first boy I've ever romantically talked to, so he's going to be a bit protective for a little while until he can fully trust that Tom won't try to pressure me into anything and I can feel it in my gut that he isn't like that. Even if he was, Nala sure as hell wouldn't like him close to me, so . . .

"So, you're shooting for a few days this week" Nik informed us, his gaze to the calendar on his phone "it's nothing too overwhelming. But next week is straight after school, and it might be overwhelming at first but it's nothing you can't handle, luckily the weather cooled down a lot, so you don't have to worry about nosebleeds. Just try not to overwork yourself"

"It's one of those action scenes" dad added "they want to get a few good shots in before Dani shows the world what she can really do" a smirk forming on his lips

"Told you that extra training would come in handy" I commented "not only am I fighting off a man twice my size, but I'm also fighting off walkers before Daryl finds me and takes me back to Alexandria. Then we're going to have a bonding moment. The fans are going to love that"

A small yawn emitted from me, causing me to scoot down slightly and lean my head on Jake's shoulder, jet lag taking it's toll on the three of us, when we get home from school, all we want to do is go to sleep, but we push through the homework and stay awake because we don't want to get our days and nights mixed up, it's happened to some people. Dad is used to all of the tiredness he feels after traveling long distance, so he knows what we feel, and I think Nik does too but I'm not too sure. I felt Blake scoot down next to me, leaning his head on my shoulder while Jake leaned his head against mine, the familiar sound of a small 'click' filling my ears, causing me to peek one eye open, seeing dad lowering his phone and typing in a few things before my notifications went off.

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