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"Hey, you" Lonnie greeted as we walked in the vet "how's everything been with the little one? She sure has grown"

"Everything's been good" I answered, following her to the back "I just have a few questions and I figured you'd want to see them in person"

I lifted Anita from my shoulders, laying her on the table and showing Lonnie the growing white spots on her fur,

"Well, this is strange" she said, moving some of her fur to examine the spots "the adult fox you saw that day, was it male or female?"

"Male, I believe" I replied, looking up at Nik, earning a nod

"Normally the female parent has stronger genetics" she replied, "so it seems that Anita is developing the mother's fur instead of her fathers. This is very interesting"

"So, what?" I asked "in a couple years she's going to be completely white?"

"When did you notice them?" She asked

"Just last night" I answered "the spots are a little bigger since then" looking at Anita "they were the size of penny's, now they're the size of a nickel"

"Then I'd say a few months" she replied "she'll be the color of an Alaskan fox" 

"She was the only pup I saw" I added "do you think the father could've taken Anita to safety or . . .?"

"It could be a possibility" she answered, checking Anita's paws "but . . . Anita could also be the runt of her litter"

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked in confusion "she looks the size of a normal pup"

"Because you've been feeding her and running her" she pointed out "all on a schedule, I assume?" earning a nod "which is why she looks the size of a normal pup. Keep me informed of the spots, let me know if anything else happens"

"Thank you" I said with a small smile

"Anything for you" she replied playfully

With that, we left the vets and headed to the surprise dad told us about yesterday, as to which might take an hour to get to because of the possibility of traffic, so we were going to stop at a gas station, obviously to fill up on gas, and get some snacks for the road. So while dad was filling up the black Chevy Suburban, he was talking to papa Maddox, while the rest of us were in the little food mart, grabbing whatever gained our attention. The clerk was used us being in there, not even saying anything about Nala, Anita or Snowball, which most places are very anal about other animals that aren't service pets.

I picked up a bag of toffee coated peanuts, walking over to the drinks and grabbing a bottle of lemon brisk, wandering around with the twins for a few minutes before paying for whatever we got, walking out and piling back in the suburban. Little did I know, I'd fall asleep about twenty minutes into the drive.


Something brushing against my nose awoke me, causing me to pick my head up from a shoulder and look around, seeing that we were some place new, now fully waking up. We got out of the car, I rubbed the back of my neck, moving my shoulders around before holding out a hand for Anita, letting her climb up my arm and rest herself around my neck.

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