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The final bell rang, notifying me that the school day had ended, everyone rushed out of the room, I did my usual thing by standing and packing my new things. Today, everyone was basically starring at me because of the new stuff that I was wearing, it felt all kind of weird. When my things were packed, I slung the bag over my shoulder, leaving the other strap alone as I walked out of the class room.

As I walked down the hall, I felt eyes on me, even when I went to my locker to get my textbooks for my homework.

"Hey" a girl said, walking up to me and leaning against the lockers "you're Kira, right?"

". . . Kita" I corrected "I've gone to school with you for six years and you've never talked to me and now that I have new things, you think you want to be friends with me . . . No thanks"

Leaving her dumbfounded, I shut my locker and spun the dial, walking away from her and ignoring the looks and whispers being thrown my way. My two textbooks were held in my arms as I walked out of the school doors, seeing the familiar black Chevy Impala - not the 1967 one, just a modern one, I guess. Walking over to it, Mr. Morgan got out of the drivers seat, meeting me halfway with a warm smile.

He gently took the textbooks from my arms and my bag from my shoulder, putting them in the trunk of the car and both of us got back in. Everyone had their eyes on us, phones out as they took pictures.

"How was school?" he asked, pulling out

"Everyone was starring" I replied honestly "I wasn't invisible anymore"

"I know you don't like it" he replied softly "but I also know you'll get used to it"

"A girl tried to talk to me" I responded "I've gone to school with her for six years and she hasn't talked to me, not once. Now she has because she noticed me"

"Anything else happen?" he asked, changing the subject

"Usual high school stuff" I replied "teachers droning, no one paying attention to droning teacher, gossip"

"The norm" he replied with a smirk "any homework?"

"Government and English" I replied "I have to type up an essay"

"It's a good thing I brought your laptop, then" he said "I have to take you to work with me, but you can stay in my trailer if you want, you don't have to meet everyone today. Did you eat lunch?"

". . . No" I replied, not seeing a point in lying "school food sucks. The only kitchen appliance the cooks have is a box opener . . . literally"

"We'll stop and get you something on the way" he assured "you're going to start eating your three meals a day, maybe snacks in between"

I nodded slightly in response, looking out the passenger window. As he said, he stopped and got me something to eat, he got himself something small, saying I can eat in the trailer. When we got there, he grabbed my things from the trunk, closing it and leading me over to the trailer.

"Bathroom's right there" he said, pointing to a door on the other side of the trailer "you can sit here" he pointed to a brown couch "and do your homework and just chill if you want when your done. Or you could wander around outside, but keep your phone close if you do"

"Okay" I replied with a small nod

He smiled slightly, pressing a kiss to the top of my head before walking out, I sat on the small couch, getting my things out for my homework and working as I ate. Mr. Morgan said he liked my writing the other day, I find it faster to actually write in cursive, that's pretty much why he said he liked my writing, claiming its my own version of calligraphy. When I was finished with Government, I got out my laptop and began to copy my hand written essay, occasionally pushing my glasses up. In the middle of it, however, I took my braid out, letting my raven locks fall free, a sigh escaping my lips as I felt my headache dim.

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