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I was tagged in this one and I actually kinda like this one? Here we go ig.

Name: Chloe but you can call me CHLO THE HO

Relationship Status: Single and flirtatious as fuck, but I've got my eye on someone ((;

Crush: Eh tbh I won't expose myself although they'd never read this.

Height: 5'2" with attitude ((;

Birthday: April 30th

Best guy friend: Robby, Josh, or Carl (I love them so much those rats)

Best girl friend: Jenna, Meg, Audra (my bb's)

Last song I listened to: Check Yes, Juliet (because I'm punk pop trash)

Last time I laughed: When my friend Ellie looked for teletubby smut and started reading it out loud during study hall. "He orgasmed and his tricky nectar squirted into Po's eardrum."

I tag the gc and also sunshine-dodie

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