pop punk tag

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pop punk tag~

a) what's your favorite band ??
there's so many, but honestly, at the moment i'd say waterparks.

b) what was your first gig ??
5sos, i'll always be a fam member-yes they are a boy band i knOW

c) favorite pizza topping(s) ??
pepperoni + pineapple

d) name a band you haven't seen, but you really want to.
i'd say atl at this point ?? maybe fob but idk because i don't really like their newer music.

e) favorite live band ??
waterparks !!

f) put your music on shuffle and name the first 5 songs that play !
this ain't a scene, it's an arms race-fob
i feel like dancin'-atl
check yes, juliet-we the kings
i'm a natural blue-waterparks

g) what do you hate about your town ??
tbh everything ?? it's so small and so boring and nothing to do ?? everyone knows each other and... no thanks

h) what are your opinions of posers ??
ngl [nigel] i have been a poser myself many times, so i have no opinion. just know that if you get exposed for being a poser, you have to know how to take it the right ways.

i) neck deep or the story so far ??
the story so far

j) if you had a band, what would you name it ??
i actually do have a band ?? i would expose the name but i don't want anyone to steal it because ™™™

k) how do you tell someone you want to kiss them ??
you go "hey babe i really like you, let's smash mouth(s)"
with consent... of course

l) how many times a week do you feel navy blue ??
the references omg~tbh a lot

m) do your parents understand you ??
i'm going to stick with the cliche and say no

n) how many band shirts do you own ??
sooooooooooo many... so many... all of my shirts ??

o) chucks or vans ??
vans. i wear my black vans every single day, and they are so worn out. i've gone through so many pairs ??

p) have you ever met a band ?? what happened ??
i met waterparks when i saw them at a very small venue. i met awsten, got a picture, met otto and high fives him and got to hug geoff. they all signed my phone case. their management was really pushy, and it was kind of chaotic, but it was so fun and a really cool experience. i'm so appreciative for them and that moment.

q) how many picks//drumsticks have you caught ??
none, unfortunately. i think i might've gotten a pick from the lead singer//guitarist of a christian band ?? cringe... i don't listen to them anymore and it was just because my parents paid for me to go to a religious summer camp. awks™

r) throw down or punk jumps ??
punk jumps

s) how many bands have you seen live ??
three... four tomorrow night.

t) knuckle punk ??m
the little bit that i've heard of them i've liked, i'm definitely going to listen to them more often.

u) i'm tagging U !
ashisatrashcan (bc i can call you my friend now ??)
and anyone else !! because surely i didn't tag everyone

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