a list of insecurities

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hi, i'm chloe, and these are the things i am insecure about.

1. my squinty eyes
2. the wrinkles on my forehead
3. my smile
4. my right eye is bigger than my left
5. my eyebrows, they're so light and uneven
6. my small ears
7. my frizzy hair
8. my large thighs
9. my flat chest
10. the fat around my rib cage
11. my stomach
12. my small hands
13. my sausage fingers
14. my voice
15. my inability to commit to people, things, etc.
16. my bad habit of biting my nails
17. my loudness and inability to keep my thoughts to myself
18. my extravert-edness
19. the color of my eyes
20. my hips
21. my calf muscles
22. my knees
23. my intelligence, i hate being considered smart
24. my writing skills
25. i'm clingy
26. i shut people out easily
27. the fact that i always "shake for help" on this app
28. compliments, i'm insecure about receiving compliments
29. my stupid farmer tan that never seems to go away
30. the fact that i'm publishing this for everyone to see

but hey. these things are what make me, me. i guess. some day, i'll find someone who loves me, and all of these things about me. that'll be the day.

remember that.

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