some good honesty

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this is for you. you wanted people to do what you did, but i didn't want to be negative. i didn't want to be more negative than i already am. you should try to be positive too.

my name is chloe. i like it when people call me chlo.


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is me. (except i have red hair rn HA)
i may not love myself, but i'm trying.
i'm definitely not perfect, but no one is.
i have so much love in my fist-sized heart.
my friends mean the absolute world to me.
i fall in and out of love so easily, and that's okay.
because when i am in love with you, you become part of me.
you're a part of my life story. you shaped me as a person.
i like to paint my nails, i think it's fun. i might not be good at it, but i enjoy it.
i own too much black and too many band tees, but that's okay. it's out i express myself.
i'm not very good at being social or making new friends, but that's okay too. i love my friends that o have right now.
i worry too much, but it's a part of who i am.
i'm the person that everyone trusts. you can come to me with anything and i'll try my best to help you.
i'm the person who people ask for answers from because they know i'll have the assignment done well and correctly.
i want to go to space. i'm obsessed.
i'm a huge flirt, i once accidentally made someone think i was asking them out even though i just wanted to be their friend and hang out.
okay, maybe i thought they were hot.
i don't even know where this is going.
i might not like my body or my face or my eyes or my freckles or my nose, but i am WORKING on loving myself.
you have to learn to love yourself before you can love others to the fullest potential.

i want you guys to do something like this. some positive, honest things about yourself. <3

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