Daniel was just settling down for the earliest part of the day. His shopping cart and belongings were just off to the side of him. However, His rest was disturbed by several police cars blaring their sirens, giving chase of a stolen armored truck. He could hear the squad cars screeching sounds, trying to stop the armored truck and its thieves, as they continued their barrage of gun firing trying their best to get away. Daniel arose from his position, and in seconds, up in the air landing on top of Doonigans sports bar and grill. He peered out only to see the high-speed chase heading in his direction. He smiled, and at top speed went to stop the destructive vehicle from doing any further damage.
The armored truck had no idea what had hit them because it all happened so fast. One minute they were just at the point of escape, and the next thing they knew, they were landing in Century Park upside down. their monetary haul was now all over a small part of the park resembling the aftermath of a parade. Daniel was hovering over the park making sure they stayed put until the police had arrived. "What the hell hit us ?" The driver said climbing out of his seat. "Probably some stupid meta," Damn freaks ought to mind their own frigging business for once! The two in the rear were unconscious, but realizing their own plight, the driver and front-seat passenger tried to make a run for it, but they were met with a light pole being wrapped around their bodies. Whoever it was detaining them, was putting a serious crimp in their plans.
By the time it was all over, all four were in handcuffs and taken away in armored police wagons. Daniel just hovered far above the scene smiling with his massive arms folded high above on his strong chest. A few officers who were trying to gather up the remainder of the money, just happen to aim their gaze far above them. what they saw was a rather large figure in tattered clothes staring down at them. "Uh, is that who I think it is? One officer said. "Nah," he ain't been around for years. The second had said. "Let's hurry up finish this my stomachs growling !"
With that, Daniel had zoomed away heading back to his spot on lower Wacker feeling a sense of joy and glory from years past as the surviving son of Millineum City had returned.
The Sentinel of Earth.
Ficção CientíficaAt the cusp of his psychological career, Dr. Dexter Drake encounters a fleeing alien and is empowered to carry out the duties for the legion of sentinels, and now he protects earth and beyond as The Sentinel of Earth.