An hour after returning to the tower, Mia had fallen into a comatose state but was kept under close observation. The effects of Dexter's alien bio nanotechnological impregnation was doing something, but what it was doing, was the mystery. Dexter stood outside the specialized glass I.C.U room looking at Mia as she slept on. Element man, the teams chemical and element specialist, was doing his best to pinpoint exactly what was going on with her. Jones, Kiyanna, and Trick-shot had come from the ready room to check on them both." How is she, Dex, any response?" Jones asked, seeing the worried look about his good friends face. "I'm not sure." "She just seems to sleep." Element man is keeping a close watch on her, but still too difficult to tell." It was apparent that Dexter was highly concerned with Mia's plight, but was about to receive yet another startling revelation. "Tell him Doc." Trick shot finally said. "Yes, William." "For once I am in agreement with Andrew." " You must tell him," Kiyanna added on. Although very reluctant to do so, Jones had to find the best way to explain to his good friend, that his alien nanotechnology was regenerating, and that it had altered Mia's entire DNA.
After killing his lackey Arnold, Grafter had made his way to Downtown Millennium City to begin his hunt for the Sentinel. He had reverted back to his normal form but was awaiting the perfect moment to begin his assault. He had spotted an oncoming number 5 express bus filled to capacity with riders, and with that, his diabolical decision was made. He pushed out a twisted smile, and said "Perfect".
Before Daniel could truly be accepted back into the social order, He needed to know why certain people had stopped searching for him after his disappearance. And if there was anyone who could give him the answers he needed, it was Col. Wilson Rankin.
After the tragic fiery death of Daniels parents, it was Rankin that guided him, Daniel, into his new persona Captain Pinnacle. But, after the scandal, Daniel's disappearance, and the sanctioning of the meta-human response team Alpha Force, Rankin had turned his back on the entire project. He had gotten word that Rankin was retired and had given up his secret life at the facility that they took him, and his family to when he was just a boy. He also had all the answers, even the things he, Daniel, didn't know about. So he was a little stunned to find the Col. sitting on the back porch of his secluded cabin. He could see Rankin sitting on his cabin porch which overlooked a small lake. Rankin was staring towards the lake when he began to hear an all too familiar sound. A sound he hadn't heard in years. As he stood up and looked about the sky he could see Pinnacle approaching and beginning to make his descent. "Well, I'll be." A small part of him knew what was about to happen, but he would have much rather avoid the conversation altogether.
Daniel landed with a semi thud, which shook the cabin and surroundings somewhat. "Hello Col. Rankin, it's been quite some time hasn't it." Rankin was a clean-shaven older white gentleman well into his retirement years. "Yes, it has," Rankin replied. "Where have you been keeping yourself these days?" Rankin asked. "I've been around." actually I never really left," Daniel replied. "Needless to say, its good to see you, son," Rankin said as he came down from the porch. "What can I do you for, I'd offer you something to eat, but I don't have much to offer you." "I didn't come here to eat Col." Daniel said to him, I came here for answers." He replied with a sort of half-smile.
The Sentinel of Earth.
Ciencia FicciónAt the cusp of his psychological career, Dr. Dexter Drake encounters a fleeing alien and is empowered to carry out the duties for the legion of sentinels, and now he protects earth and beyond as The Sentinel of Earth.