The beach

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Mace's POV:
I hate it when daddy shouts. "Daddy where's charwie and Wogan going I whought we were going to the beach together" I asked looking out the window at my older siblings talking to their friends.

Daddy puts his hand though his hair "don't worry Macey they'll catch up with us later ok" he said ruffling my hair. "To the beach or we won't get a good spot" I exclaimed making daddy laugh.

-Le time skip to the beach-

"Are we there yet" I asked leaning on the car door. "Yes we are" daddy smiled. "YAY" I exclaimed.

"Race you too the beach" daddy said getting out of the car. I followed him with my bucket and spade.

"I'm gunna beat you daddy" I laughed getting ahead of him. "Oh no your not, I maybe old but you anit got nothing non a me" he said as he ran past me. I tried with all my might to get ahead of he was too fast.

He make it before me by about a foot. "Wooow I win, in your face lemon cake" dad cheered. "My name is mace not lemon cake" I asked confused "I know but you were a lemon to try and beat me and you are my little cupcake" he explained.

"Oh I get it know, I love you too daddy" I said hugging his leg "I love you too my Macey moo" he smiled lifting me up and giving me a carry hug.

??? POV:
Here I go another one of my long walks on the beach alone. Until I spot the most handsome man I have ever seen.

His hair it looks so soft, his beard well kept, a bit pogy but I like a man with some meat on his bones, I caught a glimpse of his eyes, it was as if someone stabbed to crystals into them. So vibrant, so sparkly, beautiful.

"Daddy daddy look what I found" a little boy said running up to the man.

"Ooooooo a starfish, feel how squishy the suckshon cups are" he smiled to the boy.

"I also found a baby one" the boy said holding up another one. "Oooo, your quite the explorer aren't you" the man said ruffling the boys hair.

"Daddy when are charwie and Wogan coming, there missing out" the little boy asked. "Later ok mace now why don't we put the starfish back and build a massive sandcastle" the man suggested.

"Yeah yeah yeah" 'mace' ran back down to the ocean. The man smiled before sighing.

This could be my chance. Speak to the man anthony speak and don't cock up. Literally

I made my way over to the man. I could feel my palms sweating, iver the heat or because I'm nervous.

"Hey there" I spoke up. That got his attention. "Hey" he said with a voice like silk. "Erm cute kid" I smiled.

He glanced over at his son "oh mace he's the youngest out of them" he smiled. THEM?! SHIT WHAT IF HES MARRIED OR IN A RELATIONSHIP.

"So how many kids do you have" I asked "three my two older ones are twins charlette and Logan" he said.

"Oh I'm anthony by the way Anthony Padilla" I smiled extending my arm for a hand shake "nice to meet anthony" he shaked it "the name is hecox, Ian hecox" he laughed and let go.

"Well it's nice to meet you Ian" I smiled. "Dad dad daddy" mace came running up the beach. "What is it" Ian asked the blubbering boy.

"There.....there was a-a nasty crab a-and he bit m-my finger" the boy blubbered. "Oh no let me have a look" Ian said taking the boys hand"this is why mace that I told you that crabs stingy, he probably thought that you were trying to take his sand dollars" Ian smiled the boy laughed.

"So we found Patrick and mr crabs, all we need now is sandy, spongebob and squidward" mace laughed.

"Yeah, it's all cleaned up now, try and find the rest" Ian smiled ruffling the boys hair.

'He is so beautiful' I thought.

Charlette's POV:
"Come on Logan your trudging" I moaned. "Maybe I wouldn't be if you didn't have so many bags" he exclaimed. "I don't have that many" I laughed.

Too be fair I was only carrying two while he was carrying like ten.

"Come on it's not that much further" I giggled "that's what you say now" Logan scoffed.

"Oh quit your wining or I'm telling dad you ate all the cookies" I smirked. "Oh you bitch" he grumbled "what are siblings for" I laughed.

We arrived at the beach. To see dad taking to a quite handsome man a little taller than he was, he had a river of brown curls on his head with a little bit of stubble, his eyes were a nice chestnut brown. He was wearing shorts and a tank top.

"Who's that with dad" Logan questioned "I don't know maybe it's one of his friends that we haven't met" I suggested "it could be but dad has introduced us to all his friends" he said.

"Maybe he just forgot about this one" I suggested "maybe, let's get this in the car and ask him" Logan said walking past me. I followed him glancing back at the mysterious man.

After we put the bags in the car we headed back to where the man and dad was. They were now sitting down watching mace play in the water. As we got closer he heard some of there conversation.

"Yeah the kids are all that I have left, we may not get along all the time but I love them and I would do anything for them" dad smiled to the man.

"I can see that your a kind and caring father, I kind of wished that my dad was like you when I was growing up" the man sighed.

Me and Logan looked at each other with a 'is are dad really guy or at least bisexual' look. We walked towards them.

Dad looked back at us. "Hey kids did you have fun" he asked "yeah we did, but we may not be allowed in that mall again" I chuckled.

"What happened" he asked. Me and Logan looked at each other "well" Logan started "you" I carried it on "see......we were cart surfing down the escalators" he said. "And may or may not have broken some stuff, by accident" I finished looking at my feet.

The man looked at us before laughing "what's funny" I asked. "No it's just sounds like something that I would do if I was your age" he laughed.

We looked at dad confused.

All he gave us was a unsure smile


Thank you for reading.





Till next time


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