Years after years

66 5 14


8 years later

If you keeping track and I will now just give a run down.

Logan and charlette: 25
Ian and Pam: 42

Ian's POV:
Today was the day of my special little guys 16th birthday. Yay, I'm so proud of him for making it this far.

We did all get sad when charlie and Logan left to have there own apartment. Fun fact charlie works with me being a creative director, while Logan he took the gaming approach to his addiction to them and now is almost with the other gamers.

While me I stayed at the presenter job while doing stuff on the side of cause. Because I can, mmmmmmk.

Mace has kept on trying to walk at one point he broke his arm. But he's getting better at keeping his balance and all that stuff. We got him some crutches to help him, which has helped.

But anyway time to do this.

Pams POV:
I woke up next to my little cutie pie. I smiled as I gave him a little kiss, before getting up. I stretched as I walked to Mace's room going past the twins old room it's wired to think that 8 years ago they were just teenagers doing there thing.

"Macey moo, wakey wakes" I said softly as I walked in. He was still small but had grown, like a inch or 10, he insisted to have hair to be blue. I sighed as I walked over to his bed.

"Mace come on it's your special day" I said shaking him "mace" I said shaking him, "but I want to sleep" he mumbled putting the cover over his head. "I know it's your birthday but you need to get an early start, or you won't see your siblings or your friends" he smiled as he too it off "fine, mother but don't get out the baby photos please" he groaned rubbing his face.

"There you go" I laughed "be down in 10 minutes mr, or no breakfast cake" I smiled as I walked out and down stairs, the walls were lined with pictures of the kids and just us a a family, I miss the days were I could buy matching outfits for the twins and mace as a side character.

It helped when they would all get lost. I started to cook and bake, it was so relaxing as I looked out onto the meadow and the rolling hills as I did.

Ian's POV:
I woke up coughing, I covered my mouth as I did, my head felt heavy and dizzy. I ran to the bathroom as I felt like I was trying to be sick, i coughed a couple times as I spat out.....blood. I looked at my hand which was covered in blood.

"No no no no no no no, why I was fine yesterday" I said to myself as I scrubbed the blood off my hand. "No don't panic just see how you go" I said as I whipped my mouth as I grabbed some tissue. "Muffin are you ready" Pam called "almost my dear" I called I shakily started to clean the blood from the toilet.

I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a lot paler then I thought I would normally be, and my eyes were grey and droopy. I'll have to go to the quacks tomorrow, I walked back into our room before getting dressed. I put my nice flower top with my cream trousers and put on some black vans.

I made my way down stairs and into the kitchen, pam turned around she had never looked to pretty in the morning sun. "Morning honey, you ok, you don't look so good" she asked putting down what she was making before walking over to me as she gave me a hug, as I made my coffee.

"Yeah I just don't feel to good" I coughed as I got out some tissue. "Well just say if you want a lie down or something" pam said giving me a peak on my cheek. I nodded as I walked out, coughing as I went. I looked down at the tissue seeing more blood I sighed, I will not let this ruin my little guys special day.

Mace's POV:
I made my way down the stairs. I'm getting better at it, hopefully at some point I can move my legs or even feel them. I crunch my way to the garden before sitting down on the old swing chair, looking out at the beautiful valley and hills, seeing all the birds and creatures going along all there little lives like nothing else could worry them.

Like me...or I wish I was like that free to just go and do whatever, I want to climb trees again, I want to run walk crawl, jump, I want to be free from these shackles. Why couldn't I of died in that crash then I wouldn't have to live in misery and pain and how crawl it can be.

I felt little tears run down my face as the summer breeze brushed my face. I felt an arm round me, I looked up to see dad, the amount of stuff that he's given me, I can't repay him, in anyway, hopefully one day I will be able to walk and I can make them breakfast in bed and treat them like royalty.

"What's up" he asked putting his mug down as he wiped my tears away. I stayed quiet, "you know you can tell me anything, and you shouldn't be crying it's your birthday,yay you can gorge yourself on snacks and cake and sweets, open presents, hmm" he smiled.

I sighed "I know, it's just...." I trailed before more tears started to escape my eyes, "just what" he asked pulling me closer, "I want to be able to enjoy it, not having to scoot about with these" I said holding one of my crutches forward.

"Mace you can enjoy it even with those, but if I was you I wouldn't worry about that just worry about having fun with your friends later when we have the speaker blasting and everyone in the pool, drinks, snacks everything you want were doing" he smiled as he shook me a little while laughing. I let a little smile creep onto my lips.

"See there's my little guys smile" he chuckled as he put his head on mine. Before it was interrupted by him moving and starting to cough. "You ok dad" I asked as I rubbed his back.

"Yeah"he coughed into a tissue "you, should get ready the DJ is going to be here soon and you'll need to tell him what songs you want" he coughed before getting up and walk back into the house. I sighed before getting back up, and going back inside.

Anthony's POV:

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