Blast from the past (1)

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It was a nice sunny summer day in little Sacramento. The year was 1912......

*Hears whispers*wait it wasn't 1912

*hears whispers* it was 1990, well I need that dalorian.

Anyway On with the story

Birds tweeting, leaves rustling, trees swaying.

Zooms in, here is an average suburban home, loving mother and father with two kids, boy, girl. The usual family, usual stuff.

Until the boy comes home.

*inset dramatic music*

"What's up honey" the mum asked drying off her hands as he looked at her son who was slumped over the table with a large frown on his face.

"They don't like me" he frowned "they said I was annoyed and that I was a fart face and that they don't like me no more" the boy mumbled

"Oh honey that's not true, who said this" she asked rubbing his back. "My friends, they said that they didn't like me because I'm not funny and that my jokes aren't funny anymore" the boy cried.

"Oh honey come here, your my little comedian, there will be others don't you worry, there will be people who want to be your friends" she comforted him.

"There is this one boy anthony but he's moving tomorrow to another part of California" the boy frowned

"Trust me it will be ok just you wait" she said holding her son close


I hope you liked this might start doing more of these every now and again

I know this was short but meh


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