Because we gotta work work work

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Charlette's POV:
So there we were getting dropped off by dad at school, hell more like, but at least I had Logan so that was good.

"Now mace I have cut your sandwiches into dinosaurs, and you Carrots into smiley faces" dad smiled. He's been a little overprotective over mace since the hole thing that happened with mum.

"Thank you daddy" he smiled. "Now let charlie and Logan walk you to your classroom" he smiled giving him a kiss, me and Logan giggled as mace pretended to wipe it away incase anyone saw.

"Now go on I've got to get to work" he said giving mace a hug before he caught up with us. He smiled and waved as he drove off. "Do you want us to walk you to your class" Logan asked.

"No thank you I am a big boy I can dos its" he smiled going to the lower part of the school. "Ok bye then" I called "come to us if you need anything" Logan added as we walked in. "I'll meet you at lockers in a minute, I need a pee" Logan said walking off.

"Ok" I smile. I got to are lockers putting are stuff in them. "Hey cutie" a voice said. I looked over to see Ryan. "Hey" I smiled, "are we still on for Friday" he asked. "Why wouldn't we be" I asked confused.

"No reason just the hole mace thing" he said "how do you know about that" I said lowering my voice. "It was on the news" he said, "ok sorry I have to go" I said getting out are books before going to walk off, a hand grabbed me. "Why so suspicious all of a sudden" Ryan asked.

"What you mean, I need to tell Logan about this" I said pulling my hand away. "You know something don't you" he said "what you mean, know something" I asked narrowing my eyes. "As in about your dad in the situation, wether he would let you come paint balling on Friday" he chuckled.

"Really, it's not the time Ryan" I scoffed walking down the hall.

Ryan's POV:
And there I go being too cocky or to awkward or just no social skills. "Hey dude why were you talking to charlie" Logan asked towering over me, "it was nothing bad I swear" I blurted. "Then what was it" he asked turning his nose up at me. "I was going to take her paint balling on Friday that's all" I explained.

"And that's it" he asked suspiciously I nodded. "Ok good" he said before pushing me up against the lockers "try anything funny and I am going to shove a knife so far up your ass till I can see the tip come out your mouth, capeash" he threatened. I gulped as I nodded.

"Ok good nice talk, see you on Friday you don't mind me coming too, unless it's a date that your planning to take her on" he smiled letting go "err...erm.." I stuttered "so it is, be good to her or you will be paying a price" he warned, walking down the hall after charlette. "Fuck my life" I muttered.

Mace's POV:
'Yay it's the day I get to sit next to Sam' I thought as I put my bag on it's hook and going into class sitting down at my desk with le fonzo, I put him on his little pillow that I made to he could sleep when I'm working.

"Are you comfy" I whispered "yes I am very" I said in a high voice moving him. "Ok you know the drill sleep and at break time we can eat and play" I smiled. "Yay" I said in his voice.

Ian's POV:
'Ok take two on the hole job thing' I thought as I stood there with Anthony clutching onto the script. "Dude don't be nervous, you forget something make it up" he assured me. "But what if I can't think of anything or if the kids need me" I worried.

He grabbed me facing me towards him and shook me "Ian Andrew hecox stop with the what ifs" he said before slapping both my cheeks "pull yourself together man" he ordered. "But Anthony what if I can't" I said

"No butts, even if you do have a plump one" he muttered "what was that" I asked "nothing, but no buts just get in there and try your best" he said pushing me onto set. "Anthony" I said as he pushed. "You'll be fine" he said running off. I shot him a glare.

"Right and action" Ryan said.

Charlette's POV:
"Charlie charlie charlie" Logan said coming up to me "there you I was looking for you, here's your books" I smiled. "And I have to tell you something about this hole situation" I said pulling him aside

"Ok what" he asked "you know that hole thing with mum" I asked he nodded. "Well Ryan just told me that it was on the news, mum must of tried to put dad in a negative light" I said. "Maybe but I don't know just ignore it" he said taking his books. I nodded "ok, come on or we'll be late" I smiled.

Anthony's POV:
I couldn't help but stare directly at him. His curves, his face, his movements so graceful with every action. The lights lit up his eyes like Crystals, his hair shined like honey. I was at the point of swooning, I was definitely love struck.

They finished he walked over to me with his gorgeous smile on his face. "THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN THANK YOU" he smiled flinging his arms around me. I blushed with a goofy smile on my face as I hugged him back, he was so warm and squishy.

I heard sniffles from him "dude are you crying" I asked "yes...maybe a little, I'm just so happy" he sniffed "this is going to help me so much, I don't know how to thank you" he smiled into me. "I'm glad that I can be a apart of it" I smiled as awwws could be heard from the squad.

I pulled away and wiped away his tears. We stared deeply into each other's eyes are we moved closer. I felt myself be pulled away "come on lover boy" Keith laughed as him and Noah pulled me away. "Ok ok I'm coming" I laughed.

Ian's POV:
What the fuck just happened, I don't really care I'm a gunna get the fuck up outa here.

Was I, me, Ian Andrew hecox about to kiss Anthony. What has gotten into me I know I'm straight....or am I..Anthony's a hole other thing. He's kind, caring, funny, he is encouraging, he puts others before himself.

I-i think I've fallen for him, his smile, his voice, his touch it's magical. It feels me with so much love and meaning.

I think I just found my light.....

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