Phone number?

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All Dad gave us was a unsure smile.

"Who's this dad" I spoke up. "Oh how rude of me" the man got up and extended his hand.

"The name is Anthony, Anthony Padilla" he smiled. "Nice to meet you anthony" I smiled back taking his hand and shaking it.

"Oh I'm charlette and this is Logan" I said putting my hands on Logan's shoulders. "Hi" he mumbled shaking my hands off.

"CHARWIE WOGAN" mace shouted as he batteryramed hugged us. Sending us to the ground.

"Mace careful" dad scolded "sorry daddy" he giggled. Ian just simply smiled at his hyperactive kid.

"So Macey moo what have you done since we have been gone" I asked giving him a hug. "Ooooo where do I begin. Well me and daddy got here and set up our beach stuff, I found Patrick and Patrick jr, also mr crabs bit me because he thought I was trying to take his sand dollars, daddy met Anthony and I have just build a massive sand castle" he explained almost going blue.

"Mace breathe child breathe" I laughed.  "I I could beat my record" he breathed out. "You are so silly, now I want to see this sand castle"I said getting up. He lead me off to a meh sand castle, Logan followed us.

Ian's POV:
Anthony and I was chuckling to ourselves.

"This is nice" I smiled. "Do you miss her" anthony asked. "Some times when the kids are getting on my nerves, I do like to think about what we did have or more like didn't, but it's behind me now, I have to do what's best for the kids there my main priority" I explained frowning.

"I'm sorry I asked, I need to go now I'll see you later" anthony said getting up I hesitated "wait can I have your number" I asked scrambling to my feet.

"Yeah sure" he smiled we traded phones. "Ok I'll call or text you later" anthony smiled waving goodbye.

"Daddy come and play" mace called I turned to see charlette and Logan berried in the sand.

I smiled as I ran over to them.


Thank you for reading.

Bananas for everyone.

Feel free to dm me or comment ideas Or if you are meg mace Emily nat, make dee jokes of the Americans and or Canadians.


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