Telling me all about it

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Logan's POV:
"Oh this is gold, look here's one his hair looks like a muffin top" I laughed. "Ooo let see" charlie smiled taking the picture before laughing. "He really could rock that bowl cut" she giggled.

"Yeah he could" IM laughed, "he was just like you two when he was or age, goofy, funny, just bonkers in himself, the only thing he was missing was a friend, he did have friends but when it came to high school he found it hard as everyone has there own clicks and that but he found himself some over time" she explained.

(Ok I have just proven that I am definitely British by using the word bonkers, Meg you may make fun eh)

"Wow I didn't know dad had trouble making friends he's always told us that he had loads of friends when he was growing up" charlie questioned.

"He did but after a while they would ignore him or say that they don't like him anymore and that did hit your father hard when it would come to talking to people and making friends at his fear that they will reject him" IM explained

"Ok whoa this just got dark" charlie said looking through more of the pictures.

Mace's POV:
'Why did I have to cowme were I wanted my hair Wong like wes's' I thought as they started cutting my hair.

"So Ian seen anyone that you like" the lady asked. "There's one or two but I'm gunna wait a little while before I get back into the hole dating thing again" Daddy blabbered.

"Yeah I understand but who are these one or two people" the lady asked. "Anthwee" I butted in "mace for the last time anthony is my friend" Daddy said "boyfriend you mean" I giggled. He sighed

"So is this true anthony you like" the lady giggled. "No I don't" Daddy blushed making the lady laugh. "What's his second name" she asked. "Padilla" Daddy said. A grinch like grin appeared on the lady's face.

Ian's POV:
"Look to your right" lily whispered in my ear, I felt my face drop, anthony was a few seats away getting curls of hair chopped off. I'm surprised that he couldn't hear me or mace.

"You mean that one, if so you've got in there, the man is loaded" lily whispered. "Yes that is him, but there's a hell of a lot more stuff to a relationship than that, also cut it with the relationship talk around youngsters, I don't want them getting the wrong idea" I whispered. Looking over at mace who was looking up at us in wonder.

"Fine ok but we do have to speak about this over coffee k" lily said "yes we will" I chuckled.

Charlette's POV:
We went though some more photo piles and anthems until we came across a picture not taken that long before mum and dad got divorced

We were all smiling and laughing and having fun, why would it be that it all of the happiness and love between us felt apart. Dad looked the happiest that he's been in weeks months even. I sighed handing over to Logan.

"I miss it back then when dad was happy and always had a smile on his face" I frowned. "Me too" Logan added. "Shush your nonces, your dad if happy to have you with him" IM reasoned.

"So then why did he kick me out" Logan asked, looking IM dead in the eye. "Logan there is a reason behind it, everything has a reason behind it" IM explained "even if it is stupid" she added.

Logan bowed his head "yeah but the thing is that I feel so disconnected from him" he said "I feel like I am a placeholder most of the time" he added.

Anthony's POV:
"So do you have anyone in your sights" Pete asked "oh I have someone and I think he's noticed me" I laughed. "Who is it" he asked. I pointed to Ian who was sitting a few seats down.

"Oooo Ian 'A' , that boy is definitely for you" he said. "You think so, I think he thinks that me or someone else would get out off by him having the kids running about, but no I love his kids, I can see how happy they make him" I explained.

"Mmm girl you need to go for it, make him feel special and loved you can tell he's wilting" he laughed.

Ian's POV:
As I was getting it done, my eyes wondered around the room always landing back on anthony. Why is that man so perfect, from his hair to clothes to his personality, everything is perfect about him, no matter he has girls swooning over him.

But the matter of the question is that am I falling for him.....

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