Are you ready??

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A/n: I am going to continue this in Anthony's honour and the fact that in my heart he will always be a part of smosh.

Anthony's POV:
I put mace back to bed and crawled back on with Ian. His body shivered as I hugged him, I snuggled closer drifting back off to sleep.

I woke up to getting body slammed. I groaned as I looked up to see mace. "Hello daddy" he smiled widely. "Morning mace" I yarned as Ian started to stir as he turned over to face me. His big baby blues opened up as he gave me a soft kiss on my cheek "morning beautiful" he smiled in his sexy morning voice.

Soon after he turned to mace "morning mace" he smiled as he snuggled into my shoulder. "Morning daddy" he smiled "wait mace" he exclaimed shocked to see his youngest off spring. "I knew it was true" mace exclaimed.

"CHARLIE, LOGAN" he called as he scrambled off the bed. I lunged at him as I picked him up. "Hey let go of me dad" he squirmed "no mace you can't tell the other two because we are/were going to tell you when we were ready" I explained as mace nodded.

"Is that an I understand nod or I understand but when you put me down I'm running nod" I asked turning him around. "Err....I understand nod" he said. I narrowed my eyes at him "I've got my eyes on you" I said before tickling him, before he started crying. I stopped thinking that I hurt him.

"Hey hey hey what's wrong do you not like to be tickled" I asked cradling him. "I do" he blubbered through his tears. "Then why are you crying" I asked. "Bad man tried to tickle me" he said as I turned back round to Ian his face was just blank there was no expression, just big confused baby blue eyes.

"What do you mean mace, was it at the fair, when that man tricked you" I asked he started crying more. Ian motioned for me to give him mace, which I did. He snuggled closer to Ian while still crying his tears of sorrow.

I crawled back onto the bed and laid next to them as mace weeped, I stroked his hair in an attempt to calm him down.

Pamela's POV:
'Now that's done I can put my full plan into action, getting back my kids' I thought to myself with a smirk. "Mmm later I shall treat myself to a bottle of rosa" I said as I went onto the social services site and filed a claim.

To: child services

My ex-husband is stopping me from seeing my kids, I've pleaded to him to let me see my kids. But he doesn't want me to over the deforce.

I need someone to help me and to observe what happens when I'm not there so I know that there being abused so I can take further notice.

There is three of them, charlette, 16, Logan 16, mace 7

Please try and be fast in helping my children.

I sent it off, as I smirked to myself 'I will get my children back if it's the last thing I do' I thought.

Ian's POV:
I sighed to myself I've tried to ask mace why he does this but he doesn't want to, I might have to get him a therapist and I really don't want to, for money and that I want him too be able to tell me what is wrong with him.

"Hey why don't we today do something that you want to do yeah" Anthony suggested "and we can do it as a family" he added. Mace nodded as he snuggled more into me. "It's ok macey moo papa is here" I cued, "I'll go and make breakfast" Anthony said giving me a peck before getting up.

"Daddy I'm scared of the bad man" mace quivered "what do you mean" I asked "the owne that tried to touch me and mummy's poophead boyfriend" he said crying more. "I will tell you now mace be nor Anthony, Logan or charlie will never ever let happen, both of them have been locked up in prison" I assured him.

"I wove wou dadwee" he blubbered as he cried more. "Shhhh shhhh shhh it's ok mace I love you to" I cued stroking his soft hair.

Logan's POV:
"Hey logan" I female voice said

I turned to see Jessica "oh h-hi Jessica" I greeted as my voice cracked

"Do you like these I call them my little Logan's" she smiled ripping open her shirt.

"O-oh there nice" I squeaked "I want you to have a go on them, shuffle them man handle them get really in there Logan" she said as she let out little moans as I squeezed them.

I woke up to see Anthony standing over me, I jumped "how long have you've been there" I asked. "Long enough you need to cut down on the rick and morty" he chuckled. "Come on get up it's your turn to help me with breakfast" he smiled slapping my arm playfully as he walked out.

Charlette's POV:
"Are you sure your comfy like that" Anthony asked seeing me half off my bed. "Yeah stretches my back you know" I laughed. "I beat it does" he chuckled going down the hall.

I chuckled to myself, 'he's a right fit for everyone' I thought as I smiled to myself.

Anthony's POV:
'She's definitely a daddy's girl' I thought as I got out fruits and pancake mix.

Ian's POV:
"Daddy" mace snivelled "yeah" I said "are you and anthwee going to get married" he asked. "What do you mean" I questioned. "As in charlie is a bridesmaid along with Logan and in the flower boy chucking petrels everywhere. As anthwee stands at the ulture and you are lead up the isle by nana and you have a cute lovely dovey wedding and then you ride away into the sunset, with cans tied to your car for some reason" he explained.

"That was oddly persific" I said rising a brow to him. "What do you think I do when I zone out" he giggled. "Oh what am I going to do with you" I laughed

'It was all coming together' I thought as I hugged onto mace more

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