Listen to me

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Logan's POV:
I ran my hands over my face. IMs car showed up. I felt tears run down my face as she got out, I ran over to her flinging my arms around her.

"It's ok I'm here" she said stoking the back of my head.

Ian's mum POV:
I was disappointed that Ian kicked out his own son. I saw him peep out the window and moved when he saw me.

"Get in the car ill be ok" I said Logan nodded.

Ian's POV:
'Aww shit now she's gunna rant'

"Take mace into the den please" I told charlie. She did as she was told with mace nibbling one of the pancakes.

Mace's POV:
"Why did daddy ask us to go into the den" I asked "reasons mace" charwie replied. "But why" I asked. "You know when me and Logan ate the Christmas cookies and IM caught us and she shouted really loudly and she went hulk because she spent all day making them" charwie explained.

"Yeah" I said "well she's going to go like that to daddy because he's been naughty by asking Logan to leave the house" she said.

"Is Wogan going to come back" I asked "yes I'm sure of it" she smiled pirky "yay now eat" I said shoving a pancake in her mouth. Mumbles came from her mouth. I giggled.

Anthony's POV:
Wow this is a nice area that he lives in. Now let's hope I've got the right street and house.

I don't want what happened last time.

*has flashback*

Ian's POV:
"Are you happy now you've managed to push one of your son's away, Ian what has gotten into you" Mum asked. "As you don't know mother" I spat "he clearly doesn't want to be under my roof, so I kicked him out, he should be lucky he bloody had one in the first place" I continued

"Ian he's a teenager, he's going to act this way, you did and I didn't kick you out neither did your father, so if I was you, I would get my head on straight, shape up, and find someone to help you wether that is a nanny or one of your friends that could help you with the kids, Ian your not a kid anymore start taking some responsibility for your life and actions, because one day I won't be here to help you" mum said storming back down the path and headed to her car.

I felt tears run down my face as I saw Logan take one more glance before the car speed off.

I sighed before going back in. I wiped away my tears "g-guys g-get r-ready Anthony's gunna be here soon" I called trying not to sob.

"Ok daddy" mace called. "On it" charlie called.

At least there happy.......

A/n: I know this is short but meh

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