Putting an end to things

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"Ok so what have you made for my birthday breakfast" I asked "your favourite bacon pancakes" she smiled setting down a plate of them. "Thank you honey" I smiled. She sat down next to me giving me a peak on my cheek.

I smiled as I kissed her back before tucking to what would be my last breakfast with pam. It breaks my heart to now that she tomorrow probably won't or if she does eat it would be alone. I breathed out my nose as I continued to eat.

I couldn't taste it I could only feel it run down my throat. I stopped as I looked down at it. "Ian are you ok" pam asked as she put her hand on my shoulder. I felt shivers go down my spine as she did. "Yeah....yeah I am, just feeling a bit sick from the pills" I mumbled as she hugged me. "It's ok honey just try and eat as much as you can ok" she smiled giving me a kiss.

After a while the kids and their kids all piled in, making noise and running about. Logan looked drained along with Lisa, while Charlie was just on her phone as the kids ran around in the back garden as pam watched them.

I got out my favourite bottle of wine might as well go out with a bang. I took some glasses out with me as I sat next to her on the swing chair. "I see that you are treating yourself" she giggled "might as well your only 52 once" I said with an unsure smile. "Are you sure your ok honey" she asked. "Yeah" I said as I kissed her cheek.

"But you've been off these past few days, is there something you haven't told me about" she asked "no I've just being feeling ill" I smiled as I poured her a glass of wine. She nodded as she took a sip. "Mmm, this is a nice one" she smiled. "Only the best for my queen" I chuckled as I gave her little kisses on her cheek.

"Stop it" she said as she pushed me playfully. "But why would I" I chuckled. "Ian stop it save it for later" she giggled. "No because it would be bad to not pamper a queen" I chuckled as I gave her a kiss, she giggled as she kissed me back.

"Awwww" a group of little voices sounded. We pulled away to see the grandkids poking their hands up from the bushes. "Now you kids you better scram before you get old man kisses" I laughed as I got up before they ran away screaming.

"Kiss kiss, come here kiddys give grandpa a kiss" I laughed as I chased after them.

Tina's POV:
"If your auntie Charlie's kid why do you have Chinese eyes" Leon asked as we hid. "Because that's the way I was born, and my mummy can't have baby's, so she adopted me" I explained "but why can't she" he asked

"well she didn't have the special magic like other mummy's do, to create a baby" I explained. "Oh ok" he said "so do all adopted kids have eyes like yours" he asked "no" I smiled "oh ok and quick I've just saw grandma" he said grabbing my hand.

Logan's POV:
I ended up falling a sleep but got woken up by Daisy dog of the future or aka Daisy jr jr jr, I groaned as she licked my face.

"Daisy no get off your as bad as the kids" I groaned as the she started to tug at me. "What dog what" I asked as she licked me. "Is that it" I asked. She barked. "I'll take that as a yes" I chuckled.

"Logan what are you doing it's time for the cake" Lisa said as she popped her head in. "Ok ok I'm coming" I sighed as I got up and followed her out. She grabbed me before pushing me into a closet. "Whoa, Lisa what are you doing" I asked turning on the light. "Who's this on your phone" she asked as she held up my phone with Abby's messages up.

"Honey you know that this is my best friend Abby" I explained "I know that have you been cheating on me with her" she asked. "No why would I do that, I love you" I said giving her a kiss before she shoved me away.

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