1 month later,,,

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Pamela's POV:
Those my kids not his, he didn't carry them around for 9 months, or have birth them from his womb. Sure he's good with the kids I will give him that but they are mine, and I know the perfect way to get them back

I went on the computer and filed a law suit.

I smirked to myself, let's see now if you have love in your life hecox.

Ian's POV:
I sat on the couch drinking my morning coffee trying desperately to wake up, while mace sat as played with Luke lefondzo and some of his other toys.

"Daddy his arm came off again, can you fix it please" he asked holding it up to my face, I flinched as I was still half  asleep. I took it and fixed it.

"Thank you daddy" he smiled and hugged me. "That's ok" I coughed I haven't been feeling well either lately, the doctor said it was just a cold, he's probably right, it's just a stupid flu. I moved over to the corner of the couch, and snuggled up, as my eyes felt droopy.

I was about to close them, when I remembered it was a week day and it was 08:45. 'Oh shit, I'm too ill to take the kids and neither of the twins have there licenses' I thought as I sighed.

"Mace go and get dressed now please your late for school I hadn't looked at the time" I instructed "ok daddy" he nodded as he skipped down the hall to his room.

"Charlie, Logan wake up now pleased I called as I comed my ill and tiered hair to look some what presentable when I drop the kids off. "CHARLIE LOGAN GET UP NOW YOUR LATE" I shouted as I heard doors open, "what are you going on about dad it's a bank holiday, we have the day off remember" Logan started.

"Wait what, oh, sorry kids I've been so disoriented with this flu and looking after you guys, but as a dad I have to do it and I do it out of love" I smiled giving them a hug. "I love you too papa" charlie smiled. "and we are all very grateful for what you do for us" Logan's smiled I hugged them tighter

"I love you kids too, it's least I could" I smiled tickling them. "Hehehe papa stop it" charlie giggled, Logan stood there trying to hold a straight face. "Oh come on now Logan you can't be a man all the time" I chuckled tickling him more.

A small smile appeared on his face. He faintly let out a chuckle before laughing. "Yes I am the tickle master, bow or quiver before him" I celebrated as I stopped. "I'm getting better at resisting" he said as he walked to his room.

"I love you papa, do you want me to look after you" she asked "thank you but don't worry honey I'll be fine" I smiled as mace came out "daddy it happened again" he said innocently looking up at us with his head thought the shoulder hole.

"There is one thing sort him out please" I smiled as she nodded taking him back to his room. I got snuggled up on the couch with meh favourite blanket and hot water bottle, as I put on day time TV. I sighed happy to myself as I got to sit down for once and just not do anything.

My phone pinged I lifted it up

Flufflemuffin where are you??😗😙

'Shit I hadn't of told him' I thought.

I forgot to call you earlier, I've come down with the flu so me is going to be off today, is that ok beanpole??😘😍

Yeah it is fine flufflemuffin, do you want me to come round later and care for you and the kids?? 😍😍

You don't have to beanpole, I'm fine 🙂 😙😗

No I want to look after my flufflemuffin I'll come after work and I will look after you and snuggle with you and give you lots of kisses 😙😙😙😙😚😚😚😚😚😚😗😗😗😗

Oh stop it I'm blushing 😊 and I can't wait to give you cuddles, none of the kids want to......not after the bareto accident 😐

XD, I remember that yeah I'm not letting you eat baretos anymore 🤣🤣😂😂

Aww but baretos are yummy 😋

No, but you need a little bit more meat in your diet 😏😏

Beanpole I didn't know you were so dirty minded, and you still needs to earn it 😋😏😏

I will, you could say I'm irresistible 😏😏

I've resisted you for this long 🤣🤣

😑 Your lucky I love u 😙😙

I love you too 😙😙

I'll talk to you later cutie pie, I've got to shoot 😘

Ok baby boo 😘

I smiled as I set my phone as my eyes became more droopy as I fell into a deep sleep.

"Dad.....dad.....Daddy" a voice said as I felt poking on my face. I scrunched up my face as I rolled over, "DADDY" the voice said as I felt someone body slam me. It felt like a thousand knife stabbed me.

I let out a choppy groan, "Daddy I want to go to the park I'm bored" mace said "no I'm too ill mace and get off me" I said. He did as he was told "sorry dadwee" he pouted. I sighed.

"It's ok mace but Daddy is too ill get Logan or charlie to take you" I suggested "I did and they said that they wanted to stay home and not do anything" he explained looking up at me.

"Then that's, that mace go and play in the garden or something" I said getting snuggled up. "But I want to play with you, I'm bored" he moaned "later mace why don't you watch some TV or something" I yawned.

"but Daddy there's nothing on there" he wined. "Yes there is just see what's on the kids tab and try something new" I said giving him the controller. "Fine" he huffed. I snuggled up and went back to a nice peaceful sleep.

Anthony's POV:
I finished work and now I'm on my way to my flufflemuffin to help him with the kids and to give him huggles and kisses. I finally arrived.

I went in "hello kids and ian I'm here" I smiled as mace ran over to me "ANTHWEE" he exclaimed as he hugged my leg. "Hello mace" I smiled as I ruffled his hair. "Are you hear to cure my boredom" he asked looking up at me.

"Yes and no, Daddy asked me to cook dinner as he isn't feeling very well" I explained to him. "Ok" he smiled "can I help you" he asked "yeah sure go wash your hands and we can get started" I smiled as he ran off.

I went over to my darling Ian who was asleep on the couch. "Ian" I said softly as he slowly opened his eyes. "Anthony" he said groggy "yeah baby it's me" I said kissing his cheek, he smiled, he sat up and gave me a hug.

"I don't want to give you my cold, so no kisses sorry Anty" he sniffed. "It's ok flufflemuffin" I said giving him a big hug. "Do you want me to get you any medicine" I asked stroking his hair. "Maybe some cough medicine please beanpole" he coughed. I nodded "where's you medicine cabinet" I asked.

"Bathroom" he replied sitting up, I nodded as I walked down the nice picture ridden hallway. Until the last part of it where they have there family pictures. It was a nice set up that Ian had done with him and what used to be Pamela and the kids. All arranged so they would all be pointing at each other with big happy smiles on there face, with individual personalised photo frame.

A photo was missing, it looked like the missing piece to puzzle that will never be solved. All because of ones actions, and selfishness to carry out. If I know anything it's that when one door closes another opens.

I heard a door open up Logan stepped out. 'Another one opens' I thought as I smiled at him.

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