Your safe for now

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Logan's POV:
"Ok dads on his way" I said catching my breath. I slid down to the wooden floor with my back resting on the couch that we were sitting on.

"What's all the shouting about" mum asked walking in to the scene of the crime. "What are you doing get off him" mum exclaimed pulling mace off him.

"Get off him you bitch" I snarled grabbing mace from her "you and your dickhead boyfriend can fuck off out of are lives" I shouted as more tears came down Mace's face.

We could hear the sirens coming. "And you, you fucking cunt you need to stop going into people's lives and start living your own" I shouted as mace gripped on tighter. "Shhh shhh it's ok" I comforted him he let go a little bit.

There was a bash a the door. "Open up its the police" a male voice ordered as a load bash was heard before officers came in. Charlie let go and moved away from twat and over to us, putting her arm round me.

"Officer he's the man you have to arrest" I said pointing to twat who was on the floor, trying to peal himself off it. Soon he was in handcuffs and in a police car still dazed. Mum was shouting at the top of her lungs.

Charlie came back "what they say" I asked as she sat down next to mace. "They want a statement from mace" she said. "I want daddy" mace mumbled. "I know he will be here soon ok, do you want me to come with you" I asked. He nodded I lead him off.

Charlette's POV:
They walked off, I sighed 'I feel like the fucking bodalar kids, it is a really wired chain of advents, this shouldn't be happening I must be dreaming or at least reading a book and I got way to into it again, or maybe this was supposed to happen to us, to test us' I thought.

Soon Logan and mace was sitting back down next to me with mace in the middle as we rapped are arms round him. "I want le fanzo" mace blubbered looking up at me. "Fine I'll get it and the rest of are stuff, if it hasn't been taken as evidence" I sighed going back into the house.

They were swobbing over stuff and marking out stuff. I picked up his clothes and toy and walked back out and sitting down again. "Look who I got" I said holding his teddy. "Le fonzo" mace exclaimed grabbing it and hugging it.

I smiled putting the clothes in my bag. "Oh what's taking dad so long" Logan wined "hey he is driving he's probably in traffic he will be her soon" I assured him.

A car pulled up with two men stepping out of it. One had very wavy curly hair and the other a smart cut. "Are you alright" dad said running over to us bringing us in for a warm hug.

"Yeah we're fine" Logan said as dad pulled away. "Your face and I'm soooo glad your ok" he said taking a sigh of relief. "What, oh that was from the twat that's in that car" Logan said pointing to it. "That doesn't matter right now tell us what happened" Anthony asked.

"Language and tell me everything that happened ok" he asked taking mace and sitting down, Anthony did the same. We explained everything to them, dad gave mace to Anthony before walking over to the car and mum.

Ian's POV:
Every inch of me was on the verge of going ballistic, I thought I could trust the woman that I had been with for 16 years, with my three little angels but enough of that now, it is time for Ian hulk to pay a visit.

"Oh great this is all I need" Pam grunted "what do you think you are doing to my children, what are you doing because I sure as hell don't know" I spat clenching my fists. "For your information they were safe" she said.

"What in the hands of a molester, oh that is real safe there Pamela, such a great mum, letting your youngest child be victimised like that" I shouted. "Ian I didn't even know it was going on until I walked in" she said.

"Yeah fucking right I beat you set him up to do it, I know what your like, you want to cause stuff but you want to cause trouble and a drama when it not needed" I spat.

"No I don't Ian, you are always taking things out of proportion for WHAT, it gets you no where, you were and will always be a softy, a push over and a door Matt" she spat.

"And you'll will always be known as a cheating whore, a slut and a terrible mother, take one last look at there faces it will be the last time you ever see them" I said as I stormed back to the taking mace out of Anthony's arms before getting into the car.

They got in the car was dead silent as anthony drove. I didn't want to let mace go, he didn't deserve any of this, he's only young, I lent my head against I window as I stroked his hair.

"You want me to take you home,or would you like to go back to the office" anthony asked. "Home please" I quivered trying to hold back my tears. "I love you daddy" mace said smiling up at me "I love you to mace" I said kissing his forehead.

"Your safe now" I said as he snuggled into me more. I felt myself drift off.

Anthony's POV:
I looked as the cute man drifted off into a deep slumber so did mace. "So err...erm, forget it, I don't know what I was going to say" I said awkwardly.

I looked in the rear view mirror to see charlette and Logan snuggled up together. "Oh I remember now, do you two get that esp thing" I asked trying to make a conversation and to lighten there mood a bit. "Sometimes" charlette said putting her head on Logan's.

"Oh ok" I said pulling up to their house. I looked over at Ian he looked so inansent as he slept, he also looked cute with mace cuddled up together.

"Ian were back" I whispered not to wake mace. He slowly opened his dull blue eyes, it was like if someone had put a grey filter on life. He let out a yawn before getting out with mace. Charlette and Logan got and walked in, I followed them.

"I'm gunna put mace to bed for a nap" Ian said walking down the hall, I looked at the time it was 14:38. "Do you want me to make them lunch" I asked "yeah you can" he yawned.

I made a little spread for them as I didn't now what they liked and it would be nice for them after that happened. Ian soon after came back in and lent against the counter.

"You good dude" I asked chopping up some strawberries. "'s just the fact again I wasn't there for mace" he sighed. Barring his hand into his face. I wiped off my hands before bringing him into a hug.

"I j-just feel like I've failed as a father, it's your promise to protect your children" he blubbered. "Just let it all out it's ok" I said hugging him tighter as he did to me. I felt his soft tears fall onto my shoulder. I patten and rubbed his back.

"I am always by your side, no matter what" I said as we swayed.

Ian's POV:
I loved his hugs they were to warm and welcoming. I melted at his calming voice, so loving and pleasing.

Every passing moment I was with him gave me strength, that I could do stuff l,that I can be more than who I am.

I can be me........

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