Bad things happen to those who wait

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Ian's POV:
From the half an hour of drinking, we had become fairly tipsy. I'll just show you.

"Y-you know Ian, I knew who you where before you saw me" Anthony slurred "you....did" I hiccuped. "Yeah I had sex with you and kissed you and called you my little flufflemuffin" he slurred.

'He must have seen my show' I thought as I looked over at Anthony. He shot me a smirk as he, almost pounced on. "Anthony, what are you doing" I asked as we stared into each other's eyes. "I want you, you've been teasing me ever since you opened that door, with you soft plump lips, and those hips, don't get me started on your buns" he moaned as he gripped onto me.

"Anthony I.." I said before he slammed his lips onto mine, I felt my eyes widen as he gave me multiple kisses, after the first phew I started to kiss back, putting my hand those is hair, is was soft as silk, every curl rapped round my fingers. I felt his hand slide down my back, before he grabbed my butt digging in his nails. "Ian I want you" he whispered not breaking eye contact.

"What" I said just above a whisper. "You heard we can take turns, pull down those shorts" he smirked. "Anthony no" I said pushing him away. "Stop fighting it, I know you want it as bad as I do" he said with a toothed grin. "Anthony I'm a m-married man..."I trailed.

Then I remembered the dream, and how much I loved him and how much he cared about me and how much I cared about him.

But if I do this and pam finds out then she will rage and divorce me and if Anthony's with anyone they would probably be mad at him.

"I've been wanting that ass since the day at the beach" he smirked "w-what do you mean, how do you know about that" I asked. "Because Ian why would I forget where we first met" he slurred.

Pams POV:
"What are you going on about pam" he asked. "Did you take something" I asked, he shook his head "then you should relax with a little fun times" I smirked as I kissed him again. "No I'm not in the mood" he said pushing me aside as he got up and walked out, coughing.

I went after him "Ian what are you doing what's wrong" I shouted over the music trying to snake my way through all the people. "I'm fine pam" he called as coughs could heard. He went into the toilet, as two teens walked out.

I made my way there "Ian....are you ok" I asked as I closed the door. I could hear him throwing up,he stopped as he fell a side from the toilet, I felt my heart jump into my throat as I saw blood and cupcakes bits in the toilet, I shakily lifted Ian's head up to seeing that he had blood all around his mouth.

I gasped, I grunted and wheezed as I dragged him from it putting him in the recovery position, "Ian, can you hear me" I asked as he nodded. "Is this why you were coughing this morning" I asked he nodded as he wiped his mouth. "Oh Ian why didn't you tell me" I asked, "b.....because, I didn't w-want to w....worry you" he mumbled.

"Oh Ian, you are such a dummy head" I said getting out a phone "yeah but I'm your dummy head" he smiled as he gripped my arm. "Ok I'm calling an ambulance" i said as I got the number up. "No don't I want people to worry just drive me, ok" he groaned sitting up.

"Are you sure" I trailed "yes, I don't want to worry anyone, especially mace, it's his birthday for Christ sake" he said leaning back over to the toilet. "I'll get you a bowl or a bucket for the car in the meantime don't throw up to much blood you need it, and I'll tell the twins to keep an eye on everything" I explained before walking out.

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