This is not a good place to be in

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So it's been 5 more like 7 months since I had seen Anthony. I left smosh and got a job at a different company that was run by defy as a presenter for a weekly talk show. Which with the money that I had got from doing smosh and the talk show, I was able to get a bigger house for the kids and for me.

It's nice it has its own little garden that stretched out about an aker around the house with a flower bed and swing set for the kids. It was like a modern cottage just with more technology.

It had its own pool which had a wire netting and retractable glass around it so we could use it when it's raining.

I decked out a games room for the kids. Along with getting a nanny, poppy could help with the kids as I couldn't do it alone and I was heading to interviews most of the day and they normally over run.

But apart from everything getting better in my life after getting in that stupid petty fight with Anthony and...and me hitting the one one I loved dearly. I took what he said into consideration and made my life better and allowed people to help me and to stop being so closed up.

I pulled up to the house to see teens and other people out on the front. Most of the swaying and jock like teens were holding the classic party cups. I could feel my blood start to boil. I knew what I was about to walk into a cluster fuck of teens groping each other and questioning wether or not they straight or flexible or gay.

I made my way into the house being greeted by what looked like a block party. With people making out on the stairs and guys pushing girls and some guys into the walls and making our with them, while they fondled and groped each other.

Most of the ones at the door fled out when they saw me walk in, whispering amongst themselves

"Oh no it's old man hecox"

"Ohhh shot I am not getting blamed for a party that I wasn't invited to"

And other stuff.

I grabbed onto a nerdy kid. "Where did you get the booze" I shouted over the thumping music. "I saw one of the twins come up from the basement with it, I swear just don't hurt me" he squealed. "Get yourself home if I was you, I remember faces" I threatened as I let go of him before he ran off. I made my way through the hord of teens looking for charlie and Logan.

I eventually found charlie in the kitchen making out with Ryan as he hugged her butt, as she was pushed up against him in a chair with her back arched.

Hey reader you remember Ryan the guy that charlie drolled over but kept blowing off.

I stormed over to her and pulled the intoxicated girl away from him. She gasped "daddy wh-what are you do-ing back so ear-ly" she asked as she slurred most of her words. "Later, now where's Logan" I exclaimed over the music as it continued thudding.

"I don't know pro-bab-ly getting himself his man card" she slurred as she swayed as she tried to focus her attention to me. "What do you mean...oh no not in my house he don't" I shouted at the top of my lungs. As I grabbed charlie and pulled her away from the carnival boy. "Hey mr hecox you can't take her away she was enjoying herself" Ryan slurred as he grabbed her.

"No she wasn't carnie" I said as I tumped him sending him back into the chair he was sitting on. "Fucking stay away from her, cunt" I spat as kicked his no no place.

I made my way back out into the bigger hord of teens most of them past out. I dragged charlie behind me as she staggered around. I couldn't hear the music anymore I could only hear my heart pounding in my ears as I searched for Logan. I searched around the house "LOGAN WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" I screamed as I turned off the music.

They all groaned "EVERYONE GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW" I ordered. They started to funnel out as I made my way upstairs to his room. I could hear little moans and groans from the other side. My anger levels shot sky high as I screwed up my face as I kicked down his door....well kicked it open.

He was in mid make out session with a blonde haired girl, doing poorly, before pulling away and looked at me in shock with red lipstick smudged around his lips. While his shirt was unbuttoned while the girl was in just her bar.

" why are you back so early" he asked "later and you get your stuff and get out" I said pointing to the girl. She quickly put back on her top and got her stuff and went out I grabbed Logan's hand and pulled them both through the house to the living room.

Kicking off a drunken bum that had fallen asleep, before sitting them down and turning on the light before standing in front of them.

"I had a call from miss wiggings next door saying that you two were having a party, who's idea was it"I asked folding my arms. They stayed silent bowing their head. "well I'm fucking. Waiting" I said through my teeth getting annoyed.

"Both" they said in union. "I can't believe you two I had to blow off two very important interviews that could of gotten me a promotion that could have let us have more nice things, I'm just happy mace is at gam gams because I would not want him to see his two older siblings. Getting off with other people at a party they didn't ask or plan for that matter" I exclaimed as I paced.

They still had there heads bowed "is it just because I have a new job and that we have a fancier house now, does it mean that you have to live up to the rich kid life style, no it does not, I can't believe that you two would do this, I expect more from both of you" I scolded.

"You two are going to be put under strict house rules for the next month, got it" I said with a grunt to my voice as i massaged my nose.

"Yes dad" they sighed. "Right no cellphones between 8pm to 7am" I started "no papa we needs the phones" charlie wined "no you don't mace can live without one so can you" I said.

"Your both grounded for a month, everyday after school I want you back here unless you have track or game club, I understand that, so when you both have that you come home straight after that have you two got it and you have to clean the house everyday and cook dinner on Sunday" I asked furiously as I began to tap my hand on my arm.

"Yes dad" they sighed. "Good the grounding will be set in place tomorrow got it, now get to bed, you'll need your rest for in the morning when you are going to clean this house from head to toe" I said as they got up and walked out.

I growled through my teeth, as I clenched my fists before releasing them as a sat down on the couch and put my head in my hands.

"What the fuck am I going to do, I need help, I should have got poppy to stay here with them why didn't I, I thought I could trust them to stay in the house by themselves, obviously not" I sighed to myself as I looked up to see my mangled and mostly Brocken living room.


Hey guys yes it's your BOI charlette back on the wattpads

I have found new life and somewhat inspiration for this story.

And don't freak Pam is allowed to see mace, and the twins.

Well that would be a very big thing to freak out about even if her boyfriend got out of prison by being bailed.

Oh shit I've said to much


*jumps out window*

I believe I am able to fly and go up into the sky, I think about it all the time, that I could go up and touch the sky.

*wacks head on bar*


*wakes up to see, that I'm spooning stevie*

Yay stevie

Also I took that picture while I was in France

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