Day 11 in the big smosher house

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Ian's POV:
"DAAAAADDDDY" A male voice shouted. I slowly opened my eyes. "DADDY" it shouted again. "I'm coming" I called getting up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"DADDY" mace ran in crying, flinging he's arms around me "what's up mace why are you crying" I yawned "oh dadwee I had a bad drweam" he blubbered. "It's ok I'm here now, what happened" I asked.

"It was of you and anthwee and you went were people that are dead go and that Wogan and charwee got taken away and that scary man was coming to get me" he blubbered. "It's ok it was just a dream ok, you want to sleep in my bed" I asked he nodded.

"Yeah come on get in" I smiled as he got in and snuggled up. I got back in giving him a hug. "Night night love you" I yawned "night daddy" mace said sleepily.


"Daddy" I voice said "Daddy" it said again poking my face. I swatted it away rolling over. "Daddy wake up" the voice said jabbing at my face. "Mmmm get off" I mumbled putting a pillow over my head.

"DADDY GET UP" the voice shouted lifting up the pillow. I opened my eyes "mace what have I said about shouting me awake" I scolded "not to sorry dadwee" mace frowned. "I'm up so what do you want" I yawned

"Breakfast, waffles you promised" he said crossing his arms. "Yeah yeah I know, just let me get five minutes" I said sleepily closing my eyes again. "No daddy you need to make them now" he said lifting up the pillow.

"Fine, fine I'm getting up" I smile throwing the pillow in his face "Daddy" he giggled pulling it away. I got up and rubbed my eyes with a yawn. "Come on Daddy" mace giggled as he pulled me along to the kitchen. "Ok ok I'm coming" I laughed.

"Now waffles while I watch Steven universe" he smiled running to the living room, I chuckled to myself.

Charlette's POV:
'Space unicorns soring through the stars delivering the rainbows all around the world' my phone went off.

I slowly opened my eyes with a groan, picking it up. I squinted my eyes at it.

"What Logan I was sleeping" I said putting on my glasses.

"Get to IMs now she brought down a bounce of dad's old stuff and we can look at the letters that I found" he said chirpy.

"Ok I'll walk or convince dad to drop me off" I yawned

"Ok hurry I can't wait any longer" he hung up. I put my phone down next to me, I rubbed my face getting up.

"Right let's do this" I said to myself getting up and walking to the the kitchen. "Morning muffin" dad greeted making breakfast

"Morning, can you give me a ride to IMs later" I asked "why do you want to go to my mums" he asked turning to me "because Logan wanted to see me" I said "maybe it depends if I have time because I need to go shopping then, I have to take mace to get his hair done and mine, so I'll try what time were you thinking of" he explained.

"Around 10 ish maybe" I suggest. "Yeah I can drop you off on the way there" he smiled continuing breakfast. "Dad you would tell us if you were hiding something wouldn't you" I asked. He thought for a second "yeah I would, I wouldn't keep anything from you" he smiled.

-le time skip to 10 o'clock-

"I'll pick you up later" dad said as I got out and mace scrambled into the front. "Ok I'll tell Logan you said hi" I smiled walking to the house. Logan answered it I gave him a hug, "mmm I've missed you" I smiled pulling away.

"I've missed you too and come on" he smiled pulling me into the house. "Charlie" nan exclaimed running over to me. 'Oh no get ready for a grandma kiss' I thought as she brought me into her in brace.

"Hey IM" I said as she gave me a grandma kiss. "Oh look how tall have you've got" she smiled pulling away. "I haven't grown that much" I laughed. "Come on let us find embarrassing pictures of your dad" she laughed.

Ian's POV:
"Ok shopping done and now to chop off your hair mahahahahahahaha" I chuckled. "Ok dadwee" he said grabbing my hand.

We arrived at the salon. Sure you may say that it's not manly, well there is a thing call having a feminine side ok brain.

"Hey cutie" a female voice said catching my attention "oh hey lily" I greeted "and who's this" she smiled as mace hid behind me. "Oh this is mace my youngest" I smiled rubbing the back of maces head as he borrowed his head in further into my leg.

"Aww he looks just like Logan when he was his age" she awed "yeah there's some resemblance, mace say hi" I smiled down at him. "Mmmm" he muffled

"He's just being shy" I said crouching down to him. "Why are you being shy Macey moo" I asked. "It's a pretty lady, even prettier than charwee" he whispered. "Aww, its ok mace, she's the one who going to cut your hair" I smiled.

He nodded "he's nervous because he thinks your pretty, which you are" I smiled getting up. "Aww well mace I think your very handsome, do you want to be a big boy and sit on one of the big boy chair, like Daddy" lily smiled.

"Yeah" he said quietly. "Ok the follow me" lily said taking his hand leading him off. I followed them

Charlette's POV:
"Have a look at this one" Logan said showing me a picture of dad in a bra "oh my god" I laughed. "Oh he's never going to live this down" Logan added.

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