Is it to be, or 2B thats is a question?

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Ian's POV:
"Why are you here I thought you never wanted to see me again after the whole break up thing" I asked with a little bit of shakiness to my voice.

"Well I wanted to make amends, I love you Ian and I hate how we ended it, with me storming off like a little kid and stuff" he said as he bowed his head kicking his heals. "It's fine really just I wanted to say sorry for slapping you and not letting you help me when I needed you most" I sighed.

"Hug it" I asked putting out my arms. "Hug it" he chuckled as we hugged. It felt so nice to be in his arms again, so warm and loving and I get feel his mussels.

Maces POV:
"Gram gram" I said getting her attention "yeah mace" she asked "why did mummy and daddy get a Divorce" I asked looking up at her. She thought for a second "well mace sometimes mummy's and daddy's don't like to be together so they part ways. There by getting a divorce" she explained

"No I know that, I mean as in why did they do it, I thought they were happy" I asked. She sighed "mace I'll tell you when your a bit older ok, I just think your a bit young to be knowing all of this and having to through it" she explained. "Oh well then why did daddy let mummy see us again after the incident" I asked.

"It wasn't daddy's choice the judge at the court made him, even if he didn't want to, he really did, you do not know how much he loves you all" gram gram said ruffling my hair. As there was a knock on the door she walked over answering it.

Ian's Mum's POV:
I opened the door to see her. They one who started all this drama. Ok just be nice to her try not to bash her brains in.

"Hi Pam how are you, what has brought you to my home" I asked. "Hi, I came to pick up mace" she smiled. "Really I thought Ian was coming to pick him up at 4 today" I asked as mace came up behind me hugging my leg. "Macey moo, come and give mummy a hug" she smiled as she held out her hands.

Mace snuggled into my leg. "Don't you want to hug mummy mace" I asked softly "I will if bad man isn't there" he mumbled snuggling more into my leg. "No Derek is at work sweetie" she smiled "ok then mummy" he said as he walked out and hugged her.

"Mmm your mummy's special little guy aren't you" she smiled picking him up into a carry hug. The house phone started to go off, "give me one second" I said as I went back into the house and picked it up.

"Hello" I greeted.

Mace's POV:
I liked hugging mummy because I can hear her heart beat, it's soothing in a way. I felt her lean to the side a bit as I could feel her start to move.

"Mummy what are you doing" I asked "getting you somewhere safe" she whispered as she walked down the path. "What do you mean, I was safe at grams grams" I asked as she put me into her car before looking the doors and getting in herself as I noticed someone next to her.

He had brown hair in a short kind of style and I saw he was wearing something from one of Logan's nerd things as charlie describes it. He turned to face me "you better buckle up son we have a long road ahead of us" he smiled his menacing grin.

I felt myself start to get panicky, "GRAM GRAM" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "Shit go go go now Derek" mummy said. "GRAM GRAM HELP MUMMYS EVIL" I shouted as I pounded on the window as the car started to go. I saw her run out of the house, I could see the horror in her eyes.

"GRAM GRAM" I shouted as I bust into tears. "WHY DID YOU TAKE ME FROM GRAM GRAM" I shouted through my tears "TAKE ME BACK TO GRAM GRAM" I demanded as the car went faster. "Mace put your seat belt on please" mummy asked. "Fine only because I want to be safe" I sobbed as I put it on

I looked out at the window as gram gram got further away.

I slumped down in my seat as I curled up in a ball as I sobbed to myself. It was all too scary.

Ian's POV:
"Daddy wake up" a female voice said. I shot up "huh what, what happened" I asked "you went back upstairs and went back to sleep and grandma has been trying to call you" charlie said as she past me my phone.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, as I tried to focus on it. To see I had 30 missed calls from mum. 'Oh god I hope Mace's allergies haven't fleared up' I thought as my phone started to go off.

I answered it

"Hi mum what up why so many miss calls" I asked with a bit of a nervous tone to my voice

"Ian I'm so sorry" she said as she sounded like she was trying not to cry and trying to keep calm.

"Mum...w-what's happened tell me, is mace ok, are you ok" I asked as I shakily ran my hand through my hair.

"T-they took him"



A/n: Guys is it bad that I've already mapped out the ending on this story


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