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This maybe the end of the jerney but it's been a good one

After snuggling with Pam and giving my best performance you could say that I have given in my life. She had drifted off into a soft sleep. while I laid there wide awake staring up at the ceiling.

I sighed "it's time" I said quietly as I gave her one last squeeze and kiss before I slipped out and tucked her back up before getting the note and left it on the side.

I sighed as I walked around the house, I smiled at all the memories that we've made here.

I walked out the front door and down to the place that I proposed to pam and where we possibly conserved the twins. I sat down on the bench as I watched the big moon in the sky.

As I felt an arm round me, I looked up to see Anthony. He had a heavenly glow around him with fluffy angel like wings.

He smiled down at me "so you want to join me up there hmm, what about your family" he asked.

"I am dying, so I'm going to speed it up, wait a minute I thought you were apart of my imagination" I asked as the wind kissed my face.

"You could say that but I've also been watching over you anyway I could" he said putting a kiss on my cheek. "You know they will miss you but they will join you soon when it's there time, you Mum and dad are happy for you, so is your sister, they've been watching and waiting for you" he explained.

"T-they have" I stuttered as he moved my hair out of my face. "yes they have but I have to go soon, so it's your choice you could either join me or you could walk back and live for along as the cancer will let you" he said softly cupping my cheek.

"I'd rather not go through the treatments again or putting my family through it again" I chuckled nervously putting my hands through my hair.

"Then join me" he smiled as he faded away.

I took a breath before I took steps towards the edge, I looked back as the wind started to pick up, my hair flapped as I turned to see the ground below.

I stuck my arms out and leaned

Relief washed over me as I fell

Thank you for everything.......


What are you doing here.....

It's over......

I beat you want cookies........

Sorry I ate them........

But I can give you thanks for reading this........

Who knew that something that I did out of boredom would have got this big...........

Thank you................

Until we meet again............


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