Finding out

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Ian's POV:
We had made it to the hospital, I couldn't look away from my special little guy, seeing him like that, I wish it was me in that bed half of me dead. He had been asleep for most of the time. Either too delusional to talk or comprehend anything or he was asleep.

My phone started to go off. I got up and went into to answered it.

"Ian why is no one answering the door, where are you" Anthony asked.

"Look Anthony I'm sorry I know that we had planed to sort everything out but something has come up and if you think I'm balling, I-I'm not ok, I want to sort things out...." I explained before I could feel tears down my face.

"Ian just tell me what happened where are you" he asked

"There was an accident mace got hurt so did Pam and Derek, its better if you heard the whole story but I not in the right state of mind to tell you" I explained before he cut me off

"Ian just tell me where are you" he asked

Soon enough he had made his way to the hospital. "Oh Anthony thank god you are here, I didn't know what to do or what to think" I panicked before he gave me a hug, I hugged him back. After a while we pulled away "they say that mace will never be able to walk again or feel anything below the waste." I explained

"I don't know what to do with myself, I-I'm not ready for this..." I trailed before he slammed his lips against mine, I felt myself start to kiss him back. I felt myself start to feel weightless, sparks flowed through me. I felt his hand run through my hair, I gripped onto his back, soon after I could fell him smirked as he pulled away.

"Why don't we just put it behind us ok" he said "yeah there's more important things to worry about" I smiled as we walked into room. "Guess who decided to come for a visit" I semi smiled as Anthony walked out behind me.we went over to the bed as charlie and Logan got up and have him a hug.

"We've miss you Anty" charlie said. "I've missed you two too" he smiled hugging them back.

"Mmmm.....Daddy" mace muttered lifting his head up. "Mace" escaped my lips as I ran to his side taking his little hand. "Mmm....Daddy why can't I feel my legs" he asked. I could feel a horrified expression be smacked onto my face.

"W-well.......m-m-mace....." I trailed. I didn't have the heart to tell him, but as his father I have to.

"After you got taken by mummy, there was a car accident and you got hurt, that's why you can't feel your legs" I explained as little tears ran down my face, I was shaking more than a penguin in winter.

"When will the feeling come back" he asked, I felt my heart sink, I think it finally set in, the fact that he'll never be able to walk or run again, either with he's friends or the twins. That probably in the near future he will be bed bound by the time he's 13.

He will never be as happy as he was, they have taken away his child hood.

"Well mace you see..."I sighed as he looked up at me his little eyes sparkled and twinkled as if the curiosity got the better of him. "Yeah Daddy" he asked.

"From the accident, you hurt your spine and that's why you can't feel them because the force from car caused your bottom half to be paralysed" I explained before I couldn't hold it back anymore river upon rivers of tears came down my face. I felt Anthony's arm on my back as I supported myself on the side of Mace's bed while my other hand was berried in my face.

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