Smosh squad?

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Ian's POV:
I sighed then out before, we got into the car as I started driving. "So had a good day" I asked looking back to see mace playing with his dinosaur, charlie texting and Logan just looking out the window.

"Hello earth to children" I said, they stayed quiet. "Has something happened that I don't know about" I asked. "Tell you later" the twins said as they went back to doing what ever. "So mace what did you do" I asked looking back at him in the mirror.

"Luke le fonzo, went on an adventure to a land of sand and linken logs" he smiled. The other two pulled a disgusted face, "err...mace I don't think those were linken logs" Logan said as he shivered. "Ok your washing up as soon as we get to the office" I said grossed out.

Anthony's POV:
I sat at my desk eagerly waiting for Ian to get back, I bounced my leg as I looked out the window. My eyes were scanning every car every person everything that headed towards him.

'Anthony.........Anthony......ANTHONY PADILLA' a vote said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Huh yeah what" I asked looking up at Courtney. "You've been starring out the window for the past 5 minutes, who are you looking for" she asked.

"I'm just keeping an eye out for Ian incase he forgets which building it is" I said. 'That was half true I wanted to stare at him all day. His hair is so soft, his cute, sweet, caring, loving and just perfect.

Everything about him just fitted into place, his kids are wonderful, he always has a smile when there around, I can tell that they mean everything to him, he's worked so hard for them to have what they have.

I don't deserve him, he's got responsibilities of children and there's me with pip, he is my baby but it's not the same. I sighed with a smile at the thought of Ian.

His butt is so squishy and his so squishy, mmm it makes me so warm and fuzzy inside. His eyes I could gaze into forever, there filled with so much love and compassion, I know he needs to express it and I can tell that he wants to, in his performance earlier, I could see that he let it all out going all in.

"Anthony that is the second time that you have zoned out" she said. "Oh sorry I'm just thinking through what I have to do later" I smiled. "Are you sure you've got a dazed look in your eyes, have you been getting enough sleep or is there something else that's bothering you" she asked giving me a hug.

I sighed "this is gunna be stupid but I think ian is very sweet kind and caring, and he's amazing with his kids. They always give him so much life in his eyes, and his cute little smile, he needs slow down because he is going 50 smiles an hour, his little dimples, there so cute" I swooned as I squeezed her tighter.

"And his butt is nice and squishy, as well as his hugs, there so warm and loving, oh I get butterfly in my stomach every time he's around" I added "aww sweet but let go or you will break my back" Courtney muffled from under my arm, I let go "sorry it's just when I think about him, I go all fangirly" I blushed.

"Oh anthony, I think you should go for him, is that also why you were insisting that he joins" she asked. "Maybe, but Courtney I would if there wasn't one thing standing in my way" I sighed. She covered her mouth.

"Oh anthony, I'm sorry" she said putting her arm round me. "Maybe there is a way to win him over, or to be close to him in that way" she suggested. "So you mean in a friends with benefits kind of way" I asked.

"If you put it like that yeah, and you could help him with his kids" she suggested. "Yeah....yeah I can" I smiled as I stood up. I grabbed her and gave her a hug before I knowtisted Ian's car. "He's here" I whispered trying not to squeal.

"Then go on" she smiled pulling away. I watched for a second as they all got out. "Come on boy, you want to taim that ass" she ordered playfully. I nodded "then get a move on" she said in a stern but playful tone, before turning me around before slapping my butt, "all right all right I'm going" I said as I started to walk out.

"Not fast enough" she said before slapping it again, "I'm going as fast as My polls will take me, and I don't want to bump into him and looking to eager for his butt" I explained. "No ya won't now go" she said in an Irish accent.

"Fine ok ok, but you are going to love his kids" I smiled as I walked down into the lobby. "Anthony" mace said squirming about Ian smiled as he put him down, he sprinted over to me as fast as his whittle wegs would take him. I smiled as I picked him up.

"Anthwee, is this where daddy and you work" he asked "yep, and you are going to love everyone else" I smiled, he gave me a confused look. "Hello you two disengaged as usual" I greeted the twins as they were looking down a phone. They looked up from the phone, "hey Anthony" charlette smiled. "Hey" Logan said shyly

'He needs time to warm up, just like me' I thought. "Why don't I introduce you to the squad and games and we can get settled" I smiled. "Yeah sure" charlette smiled. Logan nodded. "On ward Anthony to greater pastures" mace smiled. I chuckled as I ran to the office with mace laughing.

Ian's POV:
I felt a smile grow on my face as curly hair anthony whisked mace away. "What are you two watching" I asked glancing over at the screen, it was a video of Anthony and the others.

"We're researching for you, also we want to see what content they put out" Logan explained as they followed Anthony. "A-a-a you two I've just remembered" I said putting my hands of there inner shoulders. "What were you going to tell me" I asked.

They turned off the video and took out there headphones, they turned to me both of them pulling a awkward face.

"Mum went to the news stations and journalists, she's trying to make you look like a bad person, she's probably doing this to get custody of us" charlie said sighing, she put her arms round me, "I don't want to lose you daddy" she quivered. "I don't want mace to either, who knows what that could you do to him" Logan said panicked.

I put my arm round him bringing it closer, "I will never let that happen as long as I live, I won't let her near any of you" I said as they hugged me back tightly.

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