He's not my dad

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A/n: this chapter can be triggering to some people. Reader descrestion is advised

(This is invade you are triggered or reminded of stuff later in the chapter)

Charlette's POV:
We picked up Logan. I could tell stuff was in his mind, I slid over to him "what up you seem sad" I asked. He put his arm round me bringing me in for a hug. "Yeah, but not know ok, I'm gunna come home today ok, I need to set things right" I said stoking my hair. "For me and everyone else" he said looking down at mace.

"True" I sighed as we pulled up to mums 'new' house. We got out as she showed us around a strange man appeared from the kitchen. "Oh I didn't know you came home early" mum smiled giving the man a kiss. I narrowed my eyes a bit.

"Oh guys this is Derek, my boyfriend" mum introduced, mace snuggled into are legs away from the man. "hey" I smiled trying to be polite. "I-it's nice to see that you have moved on" Logan muttered. Mace let out a hum response.

"I'm sure we'll get on like a house on fire" he smiled "yeah if I don't burn it down" Logan said quietly under his breath. I nudged him.

"Right do any of you want a snack or a drink" mum asked leading up to the modem living room. "I'm fine thank you" I said. "Same" Logan added putting mace on his lap giving him a hug, mace snuggled into him.

"Oh ok just let me know if you want anything" mum smiled sitting down on another couch. "So have you missed me" she asked. "Yeah of corse we have" I said with a smile. "And how's your dad" she asked "good why you asking" Logan snapped.

"Ok I was just asking, there no harm in that is there" she questioned "it can be in this case" he said. "So" she started trying to lighten the mood "mace have you had any adventures lately" she asked, he just snuggled more to Logan with hum again in response.

"This isn't working is it" she said "no it's not" Logan said dully. "Well do you want to just relax and chill" she asked. Mace nodded his head, "yeah I think it will be the best" I said.

She gave up the remotes to the tv and walked out. "She be stale" I said "yep, mace mace you want to watch Steven universe" Logan said sitting him up. "Yeah yeah" he smiled as Logan put it on.

Pamela's POV:
"Oh del, I feel so disconnected from them" I sighed. He put his arm round me "it's ok I think it's just because there nervous and that there not used to me yet" he assured me.

"If you say so, what are going to do with them. We can't stay in the house all day" I said. "Why don't we take them to the zoo, it will be fun and by the look of mace he must like animals, also why would he let his own child go out in that it's embarrassing" he stated.

"It can be but Ian always did it, he always let them wear what they want, in his words 'it helps them with there identity' and all that crap" I said. "Then tell him to take it off he brought other clothes with him" del said.

"You can I'll get snacks ready" I said getting out the bread. "Ok" he said going into the living room.

Logan's POV:
Me and charlie went snooping, while mace was a decoy, incase mum or that TWAT asked where we were.

"Wow I didn't know mum was such a cliché" I laughed quietly showing her a picture of her and dad with him scribbled out. She snorted "I'm glad dad hasn't done this, it's pointless" she said.

Mace's POV:
'I don't like the scary man' I thought holding onto Luke le fonzo.

(This be Luke le fondzo)

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(This be Luke le fondzo)

"Hey buddy" the scary man walked in. "Do you want to go to the zoo" he asked I nodded. "Yeah" I whispered.

"Well do you mind putting on your other clothes please" he asked I shook my head no, "why not" he asked. "Because m-my dadwee said I-I can wear what I want" I said glearing at him.

"Well mace we can't go to the zoo if you don't put your other clothes on" he said in his raspy voice. "Well I guess where nwot gowing" I huffed. "Mace don't you want to see the penguins and tigers and the lions" he asked. 'God dam it my only weakness' I thought.

"Yes buwt I want to bwe a cat" I said crossing my arms. "Mace no you can't, look let me help you" he said walking over to me. I tucked myself into a ball "CHARWEE WOGAN" I cried.

Logan's POV:
We heard Mace's cry "quick put everything away, he wouldn't be calling both of us for nothing" I said as we put all the stuff back before making are way to mace.

"What the kcuf do you think you are doing" I exclaimed. Kicking him away from mace. Charlie lifted up mace, small tears was running down his face as he grabbed onto her.

"Look it's not like that, I was telling him he would have to change if he wanted to go to the zoo" twat explained. I could feel my blood boiling "ok I understand that, BUT WHY IN THIS HOLD FLIPPING WORLD CAN HE NOT BE A CAT" I shouted.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me Logan" he said as he slapped me sending me to the floor. I heard a gasp from charlie. "RIGHT THAT IT YOU FUCKING CUNT, FIRST YOU BREAK UP ARE FAMILY, SECOND YOU HAVE JUST TRIED TO UNDRESS MY LITTLE BROTHER. WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO DO THAT" I screamed getting up and pushing him against the wall.

"My right as your mothers boyfriend" he said pushing me away before punching me. I swung one back hitting his cheek. "Why you little" he snapped as he floored me "you will never be my father or mean anything to me you are a piece of shit on my shoe" I spat. "You should respect your elders" he said grabbing my wrists.

As I struggled a foot kicked his head into the ground, while a pair of hands restrained his arms up high behind him. "No body hurts are brother" mace said jumping on his back digging in his heals.

I slid out from underneath him, panting "thank you" I wheezed "I'll call the police" I said getting out my phone. I explained what happened and they were on there way.

"I'm gunna call dad so he can pick us up" I said.

Ian's POV:
"Don't worry you'll be fine just get into the roll" anthony smiled I nodded he walked off to I think Noah and Keith. I'm not sure yet.

I was about to join them when my phone started to go off. 'Space unicorn soring through the star delivering' I answered it.

"Hello" I said

"Dad can you come and pick us up please, like right now" Logan said

"Why what's happened" I asked.

"There's no time to explain just hurry please" he said

I sighed "ok I'm on way, send me your location and I'll be there as soon as I can" I said calmly.

"Ok I will, please hurry" he said before hanging up

"Err...Anthony" I called to him "yeah" he said coming over. "What's up" he asked. "I just got a call from Logan he wants me to pick them up, he sounded panicked, do you mind if we do this another time" I asked taking off the goofy costume. I saw he's beautiful manly smiled fade into a frown.

"Yeah sure do you want me to come with you" he asked "haven't you got videos to shoot and I really have to go" I said running off and out the building.

"Ian wait I'm coming" he called taking off his before running after me.

I hope the kids are ok.....


Who can guess who that is in the top photo

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