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Ian's POV:
I looked at the time for when I had to pick up mace from school and I was late again. I grabbed my keys and the rest of my stuff and headed out. As I did anthony run up to me.

"hey dude were you going" he asked. Stopping me, "oh I forgot to mention, mace finishes earlier than charlie and Logan, so I'm off, is that ok" I asked. "Yeah that is fine you can bring him back here I don't mind" he smiled. "We have games he can play and we can get some paper so he can draw maybe" he added.

"Yeah sure, h-he'll like that" I smiled as we made eye contact again. I could feel my heart flutter as my stomach was having a single person mosh pit. I cleared my throat "right I better be off I'm late as it is" I blushed as I rushed out.

Anthony's POV:
'He is soooooo cute when he's awkward' I thought as I tried not to fangirl. I walked back to the others with a goofy smile on my face. I could feel my heart sweal at the thought of him. From his smile to his butt he is perfect.  But there is one thing, I know he's straight otherwise he wouldn't of had three kids. I sighed to myself a little before getting hit with a nerf dart.

Ian's POV:
"GREAT IM STUCK IN FUCKING AGAIN TRAFFIC" I groaned. "What's which everyone wanting to go places during the day, have they not jobs" I shouted.

"Right now Ian calm" I said calmly. "NO IAN CAN NOT CALM DOWN, HE BE STUCK IN FUCKING TRAFFIC WHEN HE IS LATE TO PICKING UP HIS CHILD" I exclaimed smashing the horn.

Mace's POV:
"Miss where's my daddy" I asked going up to miss pot. "He could be running a bit late mace I wouldn't worry, he won't be long" she smiled. I nodded "why don't you play while you wait" she suggested.

"Ok" I said running over to Emily, "hello" I smiled "mace" she smiled giving me a hug, I hugged her back. "Do you want to come round and chill" she asked pulling away. "I could ask my daddy when he gets here" I smiled.

"Oh, err....I'm going now sorry mace, why isn't your daddy here, he's always here" she asked. "I know but I think he's still in the car I'm not sure" I said. "Oh ok, I'll see you tomorrow" she said as she waved goodbye.

"Ok bye" I called, before sighing before sitting down with Luke le fonzo. "At least you won't leave me" I smiled. "No I won't because that's not what friends do" I said moving him. "Mace" miss called. "Yeah" I said going over to her.

"Right as your dad isn't here, the school is going to let you sit with one of your siblings" she explained. "Yeah ok" I smiled as I grabbed my bag. "Ok then lets go" she smiled taking my hand and leading me off.

Charlette's POV:
Math, why maths, the most boring lesson, I stated to drift off as I looked out the window. "Hello charwee" a little voice said. I turned to see mace standing next to my desk. "Mace why are you here" I said before Logan walked in and started talking to the teachers.

"Daddy's in twaffic I think I'm not sure" he said. "Ok that's never like him, so what are you doing here" I asked. "The school said I had to come and sit with you or Logan and you were closest" he smiled putting his dinosaur on my desk and attacking it with my pencils and pens.

Miss put a desk next to me for mace to sit down. "Thank you" he smiled sitting down. She walked down back to the front. "Wow these are big" he said, pushing himself up. "Right mace you've got to be quiet ok, so everyone can do there work" I whispered.

"BUY WHAT IF I DONT WANT TO BE QUIET" he spoke aloud making everyone turn to us. "Mace just be quiet please" I asked. "No I don't want to" he huffed. "I know you don't just be quiet for now" I begged as everyone started to judge me and dad for that matter.

"But i don't want to be quite" he said in a squeaky voice, I could hear sniggers and small laughs and whispers. "Mace please just be quiet for 20 more minutes" i asked. "No that's too long and it's too boring in here" he moaned laying on the desk.

I ignored him and carried on with my work until I got a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see that mace was gone, "he's just ran out" Veronica smiled. "Oh crap, thanks" I put my stuff away as I didn't know how long I would be.

I walked to the door before being stopped by Miss banner "and where are you going" she asked. "Mace just ran out miss he's very sneaky" I explained turning around. "I don't care please sit down now" she said.

"Miss he's ran out let me just get him please he's small and this place is big he's going to get scared" I said as I walked out with are stuff.

Mace's POV:
"Wogan is you here" I called as I heard foot steps behind me. I looked round seeing charlie storming up the hall. "LOGAN AN ORGER IS COMING FOR ME" I called as I ran.

"Mace stop your going to get us in trouble" she called. I kept running as I found Logan in a classroom presenting something. "And you can see here that it has been proven that YouTube is changing the algorithm" he said before I grabbed his leg.

"Mace what are you doing here" he asked wide eyed as he looked down at me. "It was boring in Charlie's class so I wanted to come into yours" I said innocently. Causing an awww from the class.

"Is this one yours" the teacher asked. Logan sighed "yeah he's my little brother, he should be with charlie now" he explained. "Her class was boring" I said. "MACE GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE NOW" a female voice shouted.

Logan's POV:
"Ahh it's the orger" mace quivered as he hid behind my legs. Charlie came peering into the door "there you are you little rascal" she said focusing on mace.

"Logan charlette a word" sir said as he walked out, we followed him. "What is the meaning of this disruption" he asked. "Are dad wasn't here to pick him up so he came and sat with me to wait for him. When mace ran off to find Logan" Charlie explained.

"And where is your father" he asked. "He's still driving" mace said. "Ok so" sir started as he crouched down to maces level "why don't you come into my class with Logan and I can get you some paper so you can draw and you can play games on my phone yeah while you wait, would you like that" he asked as mace nodded.

He stood back up "is that ok with you too, so that means you can finish off, while you can go back to your class, I'll write you a note" sir explained. "Yeah sure" charlie sighed. I nodded.

Ian's POV:
I got to the school later than I have ever been. I went to his classroom. "Late are we he's with his sister" hettie said as I walked in. "Ok thank you" I said walking back out.

I ran up the stairs to the much bigger school. I looked round for a while before finding the three of them talking to a teacher an old one. 'Please don't be mr Boston' I thought as I got closer. Charlie caught sight of me, "hey papa" she smiled with a wave.

The old and grey teacher turned. 'Great it is' I thought. "Nice to see you again Ian" he smiled. "It's also nice to see you too sir, I'm sure my kids aren't causing too much trouble" I smiled as I ruffled Logan's and Charlie's hair. "Dad stop it" they both moaned swatting my hands away.

"Ok fine" I chuckled. The old teacher smiled at us. "Now which way to the front office because I am not coming back for you to traffic is horrible" I asked.

"But dad I can't go in the middle of my" Logan trailed "it's fine don't you worry, just grab your stuff" sir smiled. Logan nodded as he got his stuff. "Daddy I want upwees" mace said jumping up and down. "So Ian what's your profession nowadays" sir asked. "Oh I've gotten into acting, even though you said it was a waste of time" I laughed as I picked mace up.

"It still is praising and jumping about with silly costumes on, but I am glad that you got a job after the hole split up thing" he said softly. "I have to admit it has been hard but I've hand these rascals to care for" I smiled as I grabbed charlie and forced her into a hug.

"I knew you would be successful" sir smiled as Logan came out. "Ready" I smiled he nodded "it was nice seeing you again Ian" he smiled before walking back in.


Sorry or the massive delay I've been revising for my exams. And I've had trouble writers block

I hope you like it even if it is crappy

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