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I woke up to my alarm beeping at me to wake up. I slowly opened my eyes as I turned it off and rolled over hugging who I thought was Anthony, before I felt a boob. I felt my eyes widen "so it was all a dream" I said quietly. I gripped onto her more, she let out as little morning moan as put her hand on mine.

From that day I would never be the same, knowing that everything happened but not with Anthony but with pam and we never got a divorce and that I was just hallucinating Anthony.

3 weeks later

"Dad, dad, Daddy" snapped me out of my thoughts. "Huh what...oh sorry mace what" I asked turning to him, "I want to go into the pool" he smiled "ok let's go and get ready and have some fun in there" I smiled down at him. "Yay, I want my narwhal shorts on and you can have your orca shorts" he smiled as he clapped his hands.

I let out a light hearted chuckled "yeah we can" I smiled as I pushed him over to the mini lift, before I pushed him to his room. "We need to get out the pool floaties and then we can make a cool secret base" he laughed. His laughed made me smile, even if he was bound to a wheelchair he's still are same old macey moo.

"Ok cool and then if anyone wants to come in we squirt water at them" I said evilly. "Yeah" he smiled. We got ready and made are way to the pool, I got him in to sitting on the steps to go in, "ok wait here and I'll go get the pool floaties and we can start building are fort" I laughed as he nodded. I went over to the cumbered and started to get out everything.

Mace's POV:
I watched Daddy walk over to the cumbered to get out the floaties. I looked down at my legs, I wish I could feel the water on my legs, it always tickled when I would move them in and out of the water.

I gripped onto Luke le fonzo, it helped me imagine that I could move them again. Daddy soon came back with the floaties. "Here we go, now which ring" he asked holding up a flamingo and a duck, "Flamingo, please Daddy" I smiled lifting up my arms as he put it round me.

He got in and stood in front of me. "Now you can use your arms to butt scoot in" he smiled I did what he said, I glided forward slowly. "Yeah see and now you can float around and not sink and drown" he laughed as he pulled me towards him.

"Wee" I laughed "you could of asked me before we got in" he laughed "don't be silly Daddy I would of asked if so" I laughed "I know" he smiled. "Hey watch this" he said going underwater and before blowing bubbles, as he resurfaced. "Ta da I am a mermaid" he said as he wiped his hair out of his a face.

"You is a very pretty mermaid Daddy" I laughed "my turn" I said going under the water. Everything was so pretty, I felt myself sink a little before I was grabbed and pulled up. I resurfaced taking a massive breath of air. "Are you ok that was close" dad asked he held me up. "Yes, it was pretty down there"I giggled.

He chuckled "now deep breath" he smiled as I sucked up as much air as I could before he did the same as he pulled me underwater we sinked a little lower. He gestured for me to look up I did and it was so pretty as the sun shone down onto the surface let off her little twinkles. I felt like a little fish looking up.

He pushed down on the bottom sending us gently up to the surface. We both took a big breath, "that was awesome" I smiled as he put the flamingo round me. "I know" he said like it was nothing, giving me a hug. "One day I'll get better daddy and then I run with Logan and charlie and you and mummy, I've just got to keep trying" I smiled

"Oh mace I know you will one day, until then we are always here for you ok" he smiled giving me a hug, I hugged him back "I love you daddy" I smiled, as I hugged him tighter "I love you too mace" he said rubbing the back of my head.

"I will never stop loving you mace"

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