(Modern AU)
Hiccup's POV
I carried Astrid bridal-style up a large, gravely hill.
"Why'd we have to buy a house on the top of hill?!" Astrid complained, making me laugh.
"Why not? I thought you liked our new house." I chuckled.
"Well, I like it, and the location isn't so bad, but do you really have to carry me all the way up to the house? Can't we jut stop at that mini-parking lot over there?" she asked as she pointed to the smallish parking area on our property.
"No, I want everyone on this street to know you're my wife, is that too much to ask?" I asked as we reached the tiny front yard.
"Yes, yes it is, you never even let me change out of my wedding dress." Astrid pouted.
I let out another chuckle. "But that makes it more apparent."
"It does, but I don't want the entire street to think I'm weak." Astrid pouted as I opened the door. I set her down and we looked at the downstairs room. It had a small where we walked where we could put shoes and a few coat hangers and the carpet was a tan color. One door in the right hand corner led to a large closet under the stairs while the one facing us led to the furnace room. In the left hand corner, there were three rooms. One bathroom, and two bedrooms, and the walls were a light beige. I let out a happy sigh.
"C'mon you dork, we haven't even seen the upstairs yet." Astrid said as she dragged me to the stairs.
"Astrid, you're fine with not moving into the mansion with my parents back in New York, right?" I asked as she dragged me up the stairs.
"I'm perfectly fine with that, and besides, from what I've seen of Berk, it's a really nice place." Astrid said as we reached the top of the stairs.
The upstairs was pretty nice. Right across from the top of the stairs, there was a small kitchen, and then there was a small dining area. The ironically auburn-ish floor cut off into a green carpet where we would have the living room and three large windows lit up the place. There was a bathroom, and one bedroom on the top floor.
"So, this is where we're spending the rest of our life, I like it. Astrid said as she tried to lean her elbow on my shoulder, only to fail.
"You know that's not going to work. You haven't been able to do that since we were sixteen." I said as we walked over to the living room.
"The furniture guy seriously hasn't come yet?! Jeez." Astrid complained as she sat down on the floor.
"He said he'd be here sometime today. We just have to be patient." I said as I sat down next to her.
"Well, I not a patient person, and I'd prefer to sleep in a nice warm bed tonight, and not the floor."
"Well, at least we're not sleeping out on the streets, it gets pretty rainy here. But eve if we're stuck in the rain, I still have you." I said cheesily.
"Okay, you've said some pretty sappy things to me in our time together, but that, was the sappiest." Astrid said as she punched me in the shoulder.
I pulled her in for a kiss. She kissed back.
I was excited to start this new life with her.

Fanfiction*One shots are no longer just Hiccstrid, they'll focus on all of the characters *There will still be Hiccstrid Just a bunch of one shots for How to Train Your Dragon