You guys are gonna hate me for this. You really are.
The scene went by in slow motion. The arrow cut across the sky towards Astrid. Hiccup ran as fast as he could, but it was too late. It had already pierced her skin.
Astrid's body fell limp in his arms. Hiccup felt the blood from her back spreading onto his arms. Hiccup cried for Gothi. A voice rasped. It was weak, and there was no chance at all for her to live. Hiccup pleaded for her to keep fighting it. She always fought whatever she came up against. How could this be any different?
She explained how she had been sick for the past few months and that she told them to aim of her on purpose. So she would be put out of her misery. She said that everybody has to let go at some point. Some times are earlier than others. Three children cut through the village at that time.
They huddled around their dying mother. They all knew she wouldn't survive this.
He took her hand in his one last time. Her last ever words were: "I'll always be with you."
Her hand slipped away as her body went limp.
A ghostly figure floated up from the body as a ghostly Stoick took her hand and led her into the light.
It was over. All of it. All of those happy memories. No more.
A year passed by. He barely ever came out of his house. The children began to do more of his work. Another month. He locked himself in his room. Another year. The dragons were all gone. Five years. The eldest child had become chief at the age of twenty. Ten more years. He began to leave the house a little more. He spent more time with his children. Eventually, he had grandchildren to love. After twenty years, he had finally let go. He still missed her and the dragons dearly, but they were all still in his heart.
After a long life, it was finally his time. And when he passed on, he was greeted with his old family. They were all there. Even his best friend. They were together once again.

Fanfiction*One shots are no longer just Hiccstrid, they'll focus on all of the characters *There will still be Hiccstrid Just a bunch of one shots for How to Train Your Dragon