Teachers PART ONE

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So, I know I'm late, but I thought I would celebrate the new school year by writing a school-themed one shot. In this story, Hiccup and Astrid are teachers at Berk High School. Hiccup is the new shop teacher while Astrid has been teaching P.E. for a while. They're about 32 in this shot.

Hiccup sighed as he walked into the break room for lunch. One week of teaching at this new school and he was ready to give up already. He brewed his fifth cup of coffee and sat down with his peanut butter sandwich.

Just then, one of his shop students burst into the room and dropped a poorly built birdhouse in front of him. Hiccup sighed and looked up at his student and was annoyed to see that it was his least favorite student, Arvid.

"I finished my project, Mr. Haddock!"

Hiccup shook his head and handed back the project.  "I don't accept work like that, Arvid, you'll have to try again." he said before going back to his lunch.

Arvid cursed under his breath and walked off.

Hiccup sighed and sipped his coffee.

"Hey! New meat!"

Great. Just great. It was Astrid, the gym teacher. He had already endured enough pain because of her. He didn't want anymore.

He sighed and looked up. "Yes, Astrid?"

She smiled and sat down next to him. Although she tended to be a bit intense, Hiccup couldn't say she wasn't pretty. From her ocean blue eyes to her light blonde hair, she was quite the looker, and Hiccup couldn't deny his small crush on her.

His thoughts were interrupted by a snapping in his face.

"Haddock! Were you even listening?!"

Hiccup shook his head and apologized.

Astrid rolled her eyes and slid a form over to him. "You used to be a dragon racer, right?"

Hiccup smiled proudly. "I was MVP middle school through high school, team captain, and I played for the Berk Watchers."

"Yeah, yeah, pat yourself on the back later. We need a new male captain for the school team." Astrid said as she pointed to the form.

After reading over the form, Hiccup smiled and looked up. "When does practice start?"


Hiccup sighed as he flopped down on his couch. It had been almost eight years since he'd flown a dragon that much and was left sore.

He was glad it was a Friday. After cooking dinner, he sat down at his dining table and scrolled through the old tabloids that were mostly titled 'Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, more like Hotcup"

He was relieved to no longer be a celebrity. Hiccup did however love being called a 'Dragon Racing Pioneer' But, his old life as a famous dragon racer was done and over with. It was especially hard with a fake leg. A sigh escaped his lips.

As he was about to close his laptop, he got an email from Astrid.

'Hey, good job today, I know it's hard to get back into dragon racing after eight years. Wanna go get lunch tomorrow?'

Hiccup smiled and replied with a yes, and gave her his personal email.

Tomorrow eventually came, and the pair met for lunch at a small cafe. 

Hiccup smiled when he heard the cafe bell jingle. Astrid walked in and sat down.

"Hey, thanks for agreeing to come meet up." Astrid said sash set her bag down.

Hiccup smiled and shrugged. "It was nothing, really, we're colleagues, we should get to know each other."

"No, really. I appreciate it, I haven't actually gone out to eat with someone since my divorce."

Hiccup nearly choked on his coffee. After wiping the droplets of coffee off hot his face, he cleared his throat. "You were, married?"

Astrid wiped the crumbs off her face and shrugged. "Yeah, I caught the good-for-nothing bastard cheating on me with some model about five years ago."

Hiccup nodded thoughtfully. Although he couldn't deny his feelings for Astrid, he figured that she hadn't fully let go of the situation, and chose to respect Astrid's feelings.

Astrid sighed and took a bite of muffin. "I mean, I was gonna file for divorce anyway since he never really respected men but it still kinda hurt to see him in bed with her."

"Yeah, I can understand. As a former dragon racer, I've dated many a woman, and most if them cheated on me whenever a more attractive guy came onto the scene."

Astrid nodded and ate more of her muffin. "And the thing is, it was the only thing my friends would ever talk to me about. And you wanna know who got blamed for cheating? Yours truly."

Hiccup shook his head solemnly. "It's honestly a shame that people get away with that. It just shows how messed up people can get."

Astrid smiled. "It's been forever since anyone's understood me about that. Thanks a million."

Hiccup smiled. "No, problem."

Astrid looked at the clock. "I should go. Maybe we could hang out another time?"

"Y-Yeah, definitely." Hiccup said as he watched Astrid gather he stuff together.

After Hiccup had left the cafe, he decided to take a stroll through the downtown area. It had been a while since he'd just taken a leisurely walk through the town. 

Soooooo, I have no idea on how to end this thing, so, this is part one! Yeah...Sorry. But hey, I've got another one shot in the works, so, um, YEAH!

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