After Five Years...(Version two)

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This is a rewrite of a scene I wrote for a story a long time ago. It was an au where Toothless carried Hiccup off when Hiccup was trying to shoot him down.

Story takes place in the same universe as Hiccstrid: The Younger Years

Scene: Hiccup and Toothless have just crashed into the cove, Hiccup is trying to find a way to make a new tail for Toothless.

"Well, bud. Looks like we'll be here for a while." Hiccup said with a sigh, his voice being muffled by his mask.

"Who are you?" an angry voice, obviously belonging to a female asked.

Hiccup turned around and gasped quietly when he saw the angry face of Astrid Hofferson, his childhood best friend.

"I said, who are you?" Astrid asked, raising her axe to Hiccup's neck.

Hiccup's hands flew up in defense. "Don't you recognize me? I'm the renegade dragon rider that's been "plaguing" the archipelago. I'm the guy with the army of dragons, as you Vikings call me."

Astrid's angry expression deepened. "So I finally get to see you up close. And maybe, I'll turn you in to Stoick the Vast. Then I won't be the village "Hiccup" anymore."

Hearing this made Hiccup do a double take.

"Wait, village Hiccup?"

Astrid shook her head and continued on. "Maybe I'll kill that Night Fury of yours as well, then the village will really love me again."

Hiccup smirked under his helmet. "That's going to be a lot harder than you think. Especially with me. Toothless and I have seen our fair share of angry Vikings over the years."

Astrid laughed. "You named your dragon Toothless? What kind of a name is that?"

"You'd be surprised."

Astrid rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Now submit to me or I'll cut off your leg."

Hiccup snickered. "Sorry, m'lady, but that's already been done, thank you." He said as he gestured to his left leg.

Astrid's face reddened with anger as she moved her axe closer. "Watch your mouth, rouge, or you'll have to answer to Stoick the Vast. And you know his story, don't you?"

Hiccup nodded and smiled, feeling a slight rush if nostalgia. "Ah, yes. The sad tale of Stoick the Vast." Hiccup lowered Astrid's axe down and began to pace around her. "Long ago, maybe twenty years or so, when his son was just a wee lad, there was a dragon raid. His wife was trying to get the other Vikings to stop killing the dragons but failed. As she walked back to the house in defeat, she saw a dragon breaking in. She ran to protect her son, but Stoick rand and scared the dragon, and in the end, it carried her off.

"Fifteen years later, his bumbling failure of a son is carried off by the Night Fury itself and is presumed dead. Now, five years after his son's disappearance, there have been sightings of a rider on a Night Fury and Stoick presumes that the rider ordered the dragon to kill his son and hates the rider's guts for it."

Astrid shook her head in disbelief. "How do you know all of that?"

Hiccup bowed chivalrously. "The trading network, m'lady. They get the best gossip in the archipelago."

Astrid sighed sadly. "M'lady. The only other person who's called me that was Hiccup."

Hiccup snickered. "Tell me more about this Hiccup you speak of."

 Astrid went to sit down on a boulder by the small lake. "Well, he was Stoick's son. Meant to be the heir of the tribe. We used to be the best of friends, but when my parents were killed, we started to grow apart. Eventually, we ended our friendship altogether, and I began to treat him like the other village kids did. Like nothing. Then, he was carried off by that Night Fury, and a party was thrown to celebrate his death. I told them to knock it off, but everybody made fun of me, and I became the village outcast."

Hiccup looked down sadly. "Astrid, I had no idea."

Astrid did a double take. "How do you know my name? I never told you."

Hiccup laughed nervously. "Tell me more about this Hiccup, what's he like?"

Astrid smiled sadly. "He was always so polite. Always called me m'lady, and whenever we would walk together, he would hold his arm out for me. He was also very inventive. When Stoick put him to work at Gobber's, he would always be working on a project of his own." Astrid's eyes began to well up, and she wasn't too happy about that. "Dammit, Astrid, you're not supposed to cry!"

Hiccup finally lost it and burst out laughing. Astrid was angered even more by this and stormed up close to him. They were so close that they could smell each other's breath.

"Cram it, dragon rider. Or I won't let you go."

Hiccup smiled evilly. "Don't you get it, Astrid? It's me. Hiccup, Hiccup Haddock."

Astrid shook her head. "You're just toying with my emotions."

Hiccup finally took off his helmet and pointed to the scar on his chin. "How do you explain this then?" he asked smugly.

Astrid's eyes widened as she fell backwards. Hiccup grabbed her by the waist and caught her before he hit the ground, but Astrid had already fainted.

"Shit. I brok her." Hiccup muttered under his breath.

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