Astrid woke up late. Again. She was tired of being so, well, tired all the time. But, she was very happy for the reason.
She slowly got up out of her bed and sluggishly walked down the stairs to see her husband, Hiccup, eating breakfast.
"Why good morning, M'lady." Hiccup said with a smile.
"Morning, Hic." Astrid said as she sat down across from him.
Hiccup grumbled as he stood up to put his armor on. "You know I hate it when you call me that."
Astrid giggled. "But I love it, and that's what matters."Hiccup smiled as he grabbed his inferno blade. "Don't have a whole lot of work today, when I get back, we can spend some time together, okay?"
Astrid nodded as Hiccup left. A little bit later, Astrid decided to take a stroll through Berk and invite her friends and close family to the cove for a special announcement.
Once everyone had made it into the cove, Astrid took a deep breath and prepared to make her announcement.
"Hello, everyone, friends and family, I guess you're all wondering why you're all gathered here." Astrid said nervously.
"No duh! We had to leave Fluffnut and Snotlout jr. at home!" Ruffnut called out, earning an annoyed nod from her husband, Snotlout.
Astrid rolled her eyes. "You guys are all here because I want to tell you all something."
Her parents' and Valka's faces lit up.
"I am guessing that you all be glad to learn that Hiccup and I are expecting our first child!"
Loud cheers sounded around the cove, making Astrid smile. Valka came up and gave Astrid a big hug.
"Does he know yet?" Valka whispered.
"No, I'll tell him when he gets back."
Valka smiled and pulled away. "Alright, Vikings, we should all head back to the village, and don't forget to patrol around the woods."
Everyone nodded as they began to file out of the cove. Astrid smiled as Heather hugged her.
As Astrid walked through the woods with the other Vikings, she sighed. She really didn't feel ready.
What will Hiccup say when I tell him? What will he do? Oh, what am I thinking, of course he'll be happy, he always talked about how much he's wanted kids, right?
Once Astrid made it back home, she felt shiver creep down her spine. She decided to go light the fire and lay down for a bit. After the fire was lit, Astrid grabbed a blanket and cuddled up by the fire. A few minutes later, Stormfly came downstairs with her saddle in her mouth.
Astrid sighed. "I know you wanna fly, girl, but Hiccup won't want me flying, and if we go today, Hiccup won't be very happy, why don't you go fly with some of the other dragons?"
Stormfly gave a knowing squawk and left the house. Astrid smiled as she began to hum an old song, eventually lulling herself to sleep.
"I'm home, m'lady." Hiccup soflty spoke into Astrid's ear a few hours later.
Astrid smiled and drowsily sat up.
"Maybe we should have an early dinner and call it a night, you've been really tired lately." Hiccup suggested before kissing Astrid on the forehead and standing up.
Astrid only shook her head before standing up as well. "I'll be fine, it's not even sunset yet. And besides, I have something to tell you."
Hiccup just gave Astrid an ultra confused look, making Astrid giggle a little bit.
"Astrid, is everything alright?" Hiccup asked, his face filling with worry.
Astrid smiled brightly. "Everything is perfectly fine. Now, how about we walk to the cove and I can tell you there?"
Surprised didn't even explain what Hiccup was feeling. Astrid never, ever, wanted to just take a walk. Ever.
Hiccup cleared his throat. "Okaaaaaaaay, we can take a walk as soon as I change out of my armor." Hiccup said suspiciously.
Astrid nodded and walked outside to wait on the front porch. A few minutes later, Hiccup walked out wearing regular brown pants and a green tunic,
Astrid stood up and smiled. "Are we ready to go?"
Hiccup nodded and held his right arm out for Astrid to take. As they were walking, Hiccup noticed that Astrid seemed slightly nervous. Hiccup rested his head on Astrid's, and pulled her closer. Astrid smiled.
Once they had arrived at the cove, Astrid led Hiccup over to a boulder and sat him down.
"Astrid, you're kind of freaking me out here, what's going on?" Hiccup asked as he gave Astrid an unsure look.
"Hiccup, I told you that everything's fine, now, close your eyes."
Hiccup closed his eyes hesitantly. "Well, you did say that everything was fine when you got the scourge, sooo..."
Astrid only rolled her eyes. Why was Hiccup always this overprotective?
"Just don't worry, now, give me your hand." Astrid demanded as she took Hiccup's forearm.
"What are you doing?"
"You'll see." Astrid said in a sing-song voice.
Hiccup was surprised when he felt his hand on Astrid's stomach, it felt slightly different.
"I don't get it."
Astrid grunted a little. "Hiccup, think, why would you have a hand on my stomach?"
Hiccup only gulped. "Are you trying to distract me?"
Astrid face palmed. "No, Hiccup, I'm trying to give you the surprise."
Hiccup thought for a moment. Why would Astrid have
"I-I think I have it, but could you give me a hint?" Hiccup asked, his voice breathy.
Finally, we're finally getting somewhere.
Astrid giggled. "Sure, anything for you." Astrid took a deep breath. "We're going to have to put in a lot of extra work over the next few months."
"Could I maybe have another hint?"
Astrid nodded, even though Hiccup's eyes were closed. "Yesterday, I went to Gothi's for a checkup."
Hiccup thought again. "You're not sick, are you?"
Astrid smiled brightly. "No, I'm not sick, but I am very happy."
"Maybe another hint?"
Astrid gave an exasperated sigh. "Okay, last Hint. Stoick would be very happy to hear this news."
Hiccup immediately stopped functioning. His eyes shot open and darted down to Astrid's stomach.
Astrid felt a feeling of uneasiness. She knew that the Stoick thing would give it away in a heartbeat, but she was scared of Hiccup's reaction.
"A-Astrid?" Hiccup breathed as he slowly stood up.
"Are, are you p-pregnant?"
Astrid nodded, scared. She was relived to see a huge smile spread across Hiccup's face. She smiled as well.
"Astrid! That's the best news ever!" Hiccup cried as he picked Astrid up and twirled her around in the air, making Astrid laugh.
Astrid let out a relived sigh as Hiccup set him down. "I was scared you were gonna be angry with me, to be honest."
Hiccup gave Astrid a questioning look. "Astrid, I would never be angry at you for something like this, ever." Hiccup said before ducking down to give Astrid a kiss on the lips.
Astrid smiled. She was overjoyed to finally add a new edition to the family.
Or two...

Fanfiction*One shots are no longer just Hiccstrid, they'll focus on all of the characters *There will still be Hiccstrid Just a bunch of one shots for How to Train Your Dragon