Astrid looked at her reflection in the water.
"What am I doing?" she asked herself.
"You're getting married, duh." her friend, Ruffnut said from behind.
"Oh, hey."
"You should probably start making your way to the great hall, the wedding starts in an hour."
"Yeah-oh, Valka wanted to chat with me before everything, I guess."
"You seem unsure, is everything alright?"
"No, everything's fine, I'm just nervous, what if this doesn't work out? Remember when you thought you were married to Fishlegs for a day? Now I'm actually agreeing to something that can really, truly, only be broken in the halls of Valhalla."
"Hey, how did you figure that out?"
"I'm surprised you three kept it a secret for more than a day."
"Okay, I get it, we're bad liars. But there's no need to worry, it won't be any different than how it has been, except you will be spending a lot more time together."
"That's just it! This changes everything! It's an entirely different thing! "
Astrid noticed her other friend, Heather making her way down to the beach.
"Astrid, I know this is new, but remember that you love Hiccup, and he loves you. Life's short, Astrid. If you don't do anything now, when is it gonna happen?" Heather asked.
"But we're only twenty! Why did I agree to this now? Why why why?!"
"You know Hiccup is doing this for Stoick, and hey, don't you remember that one race when he yelled out that you were his future daughter-in-law." Ruffnut said.
"Wait, he said that? Man, I would've killed to become a dragon racer, oh well. But Astrid, you might wanna go chat with Valka now."
"Yeah, I'll do that." Astrid said as she ran back to the village, nearly tripping over her long dress on the way.
Hiccup was pacing around the great hall, to absolutely no one's surprise.
"Why isn't she here yet?" Hiccup asked.
"Uh, because the wedding doesn't start for another hour, you really need to stop worrying." Tuffnut said.
"I know I shouldn't be worried, but wouldn't you be worried if you were ever getting married?"
"But I've never been married."
Hiccup face-palmed. "Whatever, I gotta go talk Astrid's uncle." Hiccup said before jogging off.
Hiccup found Astrid's uncle sitting at the back table of the great hall.
"Is this seat taken?" Hiccup asked as he sat down.
"It is now." her uncle smiled.
"Listen, sir, I know this my be a little hard for you-" Hiccup started.
"First of all, you can call me Finn, and second of all, while it is sad to see my niece be handed off, but I'm also glad to see the little girl I raised grow up and be happy." her uncle interrupted.
"Thank you, sir-er, Finn. I'm glad you're happy for us."
"But I just wanted you to know, Astrid was really jittery this morning, and pacing almost as much as you were."
"Wow, never thought Fearless Astrid Hofferson would ever be nervous, or any Hoffersons for that matter."
"Oh, please, you should've seen my brother when he was getting married. He almost pace off of the cliffs!"
Hiccup laughed lightly. "Oof."
Just then, Ruffnut and Heather burst into the hall.
"Places everyone! Once Astrid's finished chatting with Valka, were getting this show on the road!" Ruffnut yelled as she ran to her place.
"But that's too early!" Hiccup yelled back as he stumbled to his seat.
"You know Astrid!" Heather started. "She's impatient!"
"And besides," Ruffnut added. "who knows how long she'll be with Valka!"
Hiccup sighed. "I suppose you're right."
Astrid made her way to the home of the Haddocks. She knocked on the door. A chill went down her back once she realized she wouldn't have to knock after tonight.
"Come in." she heard Valka say.
Astrid slowly opened the door and cautiously walked into the house. She saw Valka sitting by the fire and sat down next to her.
"My, you look absolutely beautiful!" Valka said as she looked at Astrid.
Astrid blushed a little bit as she tried to blow her bangs out of her eyes. "Thanks, only the best for the chieftain."
Valka smiled warmly. "I'm glad you think so, but just know that you don't have to dress up for Hiccup."
"Oh, please, like I don't know that." Astrid laughed.
Valka laughed lightly. "Ruffnut told me that you've been having second thoughts."
"Oh, heh, she did?"
"Yes, and just know that this isn't the end. It's only the beginning."
"That's what everyone says! It's a new adventure! But what about all of the old adventures, like our time on the edge? Or going after Alvin or Dagur? What about the Grimbourne brothers? As annoying and painful as those guys were, I loved going on those adventures, I even loved the rush when we were after the red death! Are those kinds of adventures going to go away?"
Valka sighed. "While I can't tell you those kinds of adventures won't disappear, I can tell you that they won't completely, you can still have fun, you can still search for adventure, a little binding won't change that."
"Thanks, I'm just scared. I can almost feel Stoick breathing down my neck as well." Astrid smiled.
"Well, if his ghost is haunting you as well, you should probably do what he wants." Valka said.
"Yeah, but he can't boss me around anymore, he's a ghost." Astrid said as she got up.
"Yes but, you are about to marry the chief." Valka said as she followed.
"Yeah, but we all know who the alpha is in this relationship." Astrid said as she held the door open for Valka.
"You may be right, but don't forget about the alpha dragon on his side."
"Oh please, we all know Toothless would never hurt me."
"Didn't he nearly kill you, though?"
"Yeah, but that was before I was on their side."
The pair reached the great hall. Valka opened the great doors and quickly jogged up to her spot. Astrid took her uncle's arm and made her way up to the altar.
Hiccup looked nervously at Astrid. He then looked to Toothless who gave Hiccup his best smile. Hiccup smiled back.
For the most part, the union went well, except for the fact that Toothless nearly burned down all of the decorations with a celebratory plasma blast.
"So, are you ready to go into the great beyond?" Astrid asked as she hopped onto Stormfly.
"You bet." Hiccup said as he boarded Toothless.
The pair flew off into the sunset, hands interlocked.

Fanfiction*One shots are no longer just Hiccstrid, they'll focus on all of the characters *There will still be Hiccstrid Just a bunch of one shots for How to Train Your Dragon