Roses are Red, Violets are Blue...

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Everybody looks the way they do in Httyd 1

Astrid walked through the halls of Berk High School, ready for her final class to be over with. As she made it to Mr. Grimbourne's art class, she noticed that the school fishbone that, up until now, she had paid no attention to, wasn't in the classroom.

As she sat down in her seat, she saw a group of people rush by the classroom.

"Huh." she muttered as her teacher droned on about their next art project.

About halfway through the class, the door burst open and Fishlegs, the school's biggest nerd walked in with a single rose. He walked right up to Astrid and handed it to her.

"It's not from me, don't worry." he said as he slowly backed out of the room.

As the teacher was about to go back to teaching, the student in front of Astrid handed her another rose. Soon, the whole class had given her a rose. Then, more students came in with roses. She saw Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Heather, Anna, and even Merida.

By the time class was over, Astrid had a full bouquet of roses. As Astrid was walking to her locker, she was handed a bouquet's worth of violets. Once she made it to her locker, she saw a simple note on yellow pad paper taped to it.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm stuffed in your locker,
And I kinda like you

Astrid cautiously opened her locker to see Hiccup Haddock, the school fishbone, uncomfortably stuffed in her locker.

"Hey, 'strid, ya get my note?" Hiccup asked with a dorky smile.

Astrid slowly nodded and helped Hiccup out of her locker. Hiccup stood up and casually dusted himself off. He looked over at Astrid and his cheeks flared up as he noticed Astrid had been staring at him.

"Did you put all this together?" Astrid squeaked as she gestured for Hiccup to walk with her.

Hiccup nodded as he fell into step with her.

"Wow. I've gotten a lot of love proclamations this year, but none have been this well thought-out as this, I applaud you." Astrid said as she gave Hiccup a silent clap.

Hiccup laughed sheepishly.

"So, you gonna ask me on a date or what?" Astrid asked with a smirk as the two walked out of the building.

Hiccup was silent, causing Astrid to laugh.

"So that's a yes?" Astrid asked through fits of laughter.

Hiccup nodded.

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