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Important A/N!
First of all, welcome and thank you for taking interest in this story!

With that being said, I would like to notify a couple of trigger warnings that will be present as an advice from previous readers. As noted in the description, there will be mild sexual content and strong depressive thoughts. However, suicidal thoughts and actions, such as self harming, will occur as well. If this triggers you and/or your safety, please, please don't read this. No matter how much I appreciate your support, your safety comes first. Please, let me know if you'd prefer trigger warnings at the beginning of every chapter!

Stay safe, and if you're still here and decided to read this roller coaster of a story: enjoy reading😉


There are people that say life is easy. These people usually are in college or university, have a job and friends. They have a lovely family, a hilarious father and a concerned yet amazing mother. A boyfriend or girlfriend is probably not excluded from the list. Always smiling, going to a party once in a while, befriending everybody. Still, getting good grades while not having to learn for it.

Castiel despised those people.

He absolutely hated how they walked around like they owned the school, laughing and being happy. Not having to care about getting hurt or having to look behind their back every second. Kissing shamelessly, while the others didn't even feel uncomfortable to watch. Their confident steps echoeing through the halls as their too short skirts or school jackets bounced around.

It made him absolutely sick.

Lucky for him, nobody ever seemed to notice him. He was the school's freak, the weird kid. He didn't mind being friendless though. He hadn't exactly been talking a lot. To rephrase that; he hadn't talked to anybody in years. In school, this wasn't much of a problem. His teachers knew about his condition and the students didn't even notice him. He had his own dorm, no roommate, which Castiel preferred. It meant no unwanted company, just utter silence.

Castiel worked hard for his grades. He wasn't exactly the smartest guy in the world, but he really wanted to pass college and get a nice paying job. It would usually take a lot of caffeine and loud music, but he got there.

His family, that was another story. He had come out to his family nearly two years back. His father hadn't taken it very well. He still had scars on his back from his father's belt. All his mother had done is stand and watch. His brothers, Lucifer and Gabriel had been crying, begging him to stop. The result was a nasty scar on Gabriel's cheek and Lucifer in a coma. He still was, yet Castiel was afraid to visit. He hadn't spoken to his little brother ever since. After all, his parents kicked him out right away.

He had adjusted to the new lifestyle. Since he already was in his first year of college, he could easily get a dorm. He got a job to be able to finish college. It was a shitty one at a supermarket but it was bearable. He had little food, but he didn't really eat much anyways.

Castiel never talked to anybody again. He was afraid to even look at somebody or touch someone. He had been completely traumatised, and for days he cried in his new, uncomfortable bed.

Soon, he didn't even feel like waking up anymore. He had nobody to live for anyways. These thoughts had led to uncountable scars, littered on his arms. He hid them well, but nobody ever saw them because nobody cared.

Having that kind of background doesn't really make you the easiest person to befriend. Castiel was OK with that. He had grown to love the loneliness, knowing that his life would end that way.

That was, until he got a dorm mate named Sam Winchester, and everything changed.

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