Chapter twenty-three

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23. I'm bringing you home

       The last two days, the Winchester brothers had done nothing but searching for Castiel. While Sam took little naps in between, Dean refused to even bat an eye until his angel had been found.

       A positive note was that they knew who they were looking for: Crowley. As soon as they smelled the sulphur, they knew it couldn't be anybody else. After all, they killed his mother, a very powerful witch called Rowena. They had completely forgotten about the king of hell before now, and it stressed Dean out. He knew how heartless the demon could be and didn't know how Castiel would handle it.

       "Alright. So, I looked up some old, unused warehouses close by. There is one that has lately made use of the electricity, while being empty. What do you think?" Sam asked. His first college lecture started again the next day, but he refused to leave his brother in this state. Dean pursed his lips.

       They knew how Crowley worked. The king of hell was too lazy to bring prisoners to hell, so he used abandoned, big spaces to torture the victims. Both brothers knew that it couldn't be a coincidence that Crowley chose a place close by; meaning that it was probably a trap. Either way, it didn't stop Dean.

       "I think we should check it out."


       The warehouse was about eighty miles away from the motel, which meant a two hour long drive, including a stop at a gas station. Sam and Dean didn't really talk along the way. Dean was too keen on finding Castiel and Sam knew this, so he didn't start a conversation besides if it was useful.

       They parked the car half a mile away from the warehouse and walked the rest of the way. Their gear existed out of a knife they got from a demon named Ruby, holy water and salt. Both men knew the demon exorcism by heart, so that wasn't really a problem. A devils trap wasn't really an option either.

      Dean's theory about walking into a trap was confirmed when there were no demons around the warehouse. Warily, the brothers opened the iron door. Immediately, they were greeted by a muffled scream. Dean tensed up and looked at his brother, eyes wide.

       "Go, I'll check for other demons," Sam said, running off. It took Dean a few seconds to process the words, before he started running. The sound of cries echoed through his ear drums, all other sounds seemingly muted. The agonising sound got louder and louder, until Dean was standing behind a big, iron, opened door.

       "-and when your boyfriend comes here, he'll be too distracted to even notice the blade pierce through his skin. It won't kill him just yet, because first he needs to see you die. It's going to be a party in hell." Dean recognised the voice as Crowley's immediately. His blood ran cold by the harsh words. He took a deep breath, then slowly stepped into the room.

"Actually, I think you still underestimate me, Fergus," he spoke loudly and calmly. Crowley turned around, a smirk on his face.

"Hello, squirrel. Wanna join our little chat?" For a second, Dean's eyes darted towards the chained up, bloody Castiel, his heart clenching once again. He looked horrible; bruises and cuts littered all over his arms, blood dripping down his leg on the ground. The beaten up man was slipping in and out of consciousness, his head dangling on his body like it was made of bricks. Taking a deep breath, Dean smirked back at the king of hell, showing the demon blade and waving with it.

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