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       The Winchesters had always known that they wouldn't grow old. It was simply the way their lives worked, as did the job. They knew the risks and they knew what to expect. Would they ever be ready? Maybe, maybe not.

       Castiel, formal angel of the lord, had thought to be immortal, eternal. Never had he even thought about the fact that he would rescue a righteous man from hell; the consequences it brought. He fell in multiple ways, from heaven, for Dean. His years together with the hunter were the best in his long, ever lasting life. He had never been happier.

       For the three of them, quitting seemed weird. Out of place. Still, they learned so much in their journey. Obviously, they aged. They knew that the job would be too much one day. They'd be too slow, or the monsters too quick.

       Sadly, the past always follows, and Dean Winchester and Castiel didn't make it past their sixties. It had been a prince of hell to kill them brutally. Sam, of course, was devastated. But, he knew that this time, he didn't have to bring them back. He had his current wife who would watch over him, and he was sure Dean and Castiel would too. After all, their fingers were laced together in between the blood, as they stared at each other lifelessly. Sam knew, that it was done.

       This time, there was no deal, no cry out for help. Yes, they were honoured. Hunters from all over the world came to their funeral, even some angels did. Gabriel had shown Sam how their heaven looked like. Sam had cried like he'd never done before at that moment. His brother was finally happy, in peace.

       Garth, a formal hunter, present werewolf, had shown up too. It made Sam think that he wished that their parents, Bobby, Charlie, Kevin and many more could have been there. Now, he felt all alone.

       Alex Mills and Claire Novak brought a old, wheelchaired Jody to the funeral. Although she was whining about getting old, all she wished for was for Dean and Castiel to have lived to this age as well. Castiel might not be Clair's father, but over the years, he had grown to be just like one. They were all devastated.

       Now, I'd merely been watching from the sidelines. I was the father that young Castiel Novak deep down felt disappointed by. All he had wanted was to make his father proud. In that projection, I knew that it all made sense.

       Little innocent student Castiel Novak, reflected the angel Castiel in a mirror through College. The rejection of his father, cutting like a knife in agony. The feeling like he didn't belong in the crowd. The scars on his back, reflecting his broken wings. Of course, he had always been different. The secret guilt for what happened to Lucifer, the way Gabriel was his favourite brother. He respected Bobby for being such a good influence on the Winchester brothers, and wished he'd live and take care of them. Yet, he felt so misplaced in his home, that he found another.

       Dean represented the love he craved and felt, as it scared him as it was unfamiliar. It showed how he loved Sam as a brother and would take a bullet for them both.

       Maybe, all you need is a knock on your door to help you see the possibilities that lie beyond your small little world. A little step in the right direction; a little step towards happiness.

       It worked for my dear son after all.

       Chuck Shurley.


I'm honestly surprised how fast I wrote this story. Maybe it's the fact that it's distracting or that I just really liked writing this story. I guess both.

But seriously, I'm honestly proud of this story and I'm so glad that people read it! I'm gonna work on my other story now, and maybe add a third? We'll see ;)

Thank you all so much for reading!


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