Chapter fifteen

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15. Will I ever be truly happy?

It was early in the morning when a car pulled up next to Bobby Singer's house. The noise of the engine woke Dean up. He made his way to the window, only to see his brother step out of the car. Immediately, he became worried, as he hurriedly made his way downstairs.

He hadn't been able to have contact with Castiel yesterday and Sam hadn't picked up any of his calls either. He opened the door to rush outside and see what happened, but was greeted by his brother, carrying an unconscious Castiel.

"What the-"

"He's sleeping, be quiet," Sam hushed him, walking past a very confused Dean. Bobby had insisted on sleeping in his bed, which made the couch available. Sam laid him down carefully, before turning to look at his brother, whose face almost screamed for an explanation. Dean followed Sam to the kitchen, where he looked at him expectantly.

"What the hell happened?" he hissed. He didn't have to whisper anymore, but he still didn't want to scream. Sam sighed and looked over to the living room.

"The first part of the story I don't know either, but- it's just- he- this isn't really my place to tell. Just wait until he wakes up. Anyways, I bailed him out of college and took him here. I need to go back tonight, though." Dean was even more confused now.

"Why don't we just wake him up?" he asked. He knew it was selfish to think, but he really wanted to see him.

"He only fell asleep ten minutes before we got here and hasn't slept since yesterday morning. Give the guy a break," Sam replied, rolling his eyes. Dean just smiled sheepishly.

"Coffee?" He asked. His little brother smiled lightly and nodded.

It was two hours later when Castiel woke up. He buried his head in a pillow and mumbled some unintelligible words quietly. Dean looked up from his sitting position and kneeled down next to the couch.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said, stroking the man's hair. Castiel hummed in satisfaction. When he tried to move, he flinched, grabbing his stomach. Worry took over Dean completely.

"What happened?" he asked, placing his hands on Castiel's sore sides. The man flinched again, but didn't respond. Without warning him, Dean pulled up his sweater, revealing the bruised and cut open skin.

"Oh my God, who did this to you?" he tried again, making Castiel look at him by lifting his face with his fingers. His blue eyes shone in fear, as well as with tears.

"Some guys at school," he mumbled. Dean sat down next to him, pulling him in his arms. He could feel the man tense against his skin, before cuddling up to him.

       "Was it that guy that pushed you against the wall?" A nod was all he needed to pull him even closer. "Sam did a good job getting you out of there. I'll make sure you're safe."

       It broke his heart when he didn't get a response. It did make sense, because the last time someone beat him up, it was his own father. It angered him to see that Castiel was back to how he was a few weeks back. Sam looked at them as Dean talked to Castiel, a small smile playing on his lips. When Dean noticed this, Sam signed him to follow him out of the room.

       "I'll be right back, Cas," he whispered gently, kissing his head, before untangling himself from the silent man and walking towards Sam.

       "There's something else you need to know," he said quietly. Dean looked up to his little brother, seeing his eyes filling with tears.


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