Chapter twenty-seven

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27. The end of the beginning. Part 1

       After their nightly demon adventures, the Winchester brothers and Castiel had a calm few days. It seemed that everything was slowly returning to the way it was before. Castiel talked to Dean about the guilt three days after the attack, and Dean just comforted him while he cried on his shoulder. With that lifted off his chest, his doubts about the hunter had completely subsided. His wounds too had been healing nicely. Only the cut on his leg hurt slightly, but the rest of them were barely visible.

       It was no surprise that Sam announced that he planned to go back to college the day he and Bobby returned from Jody. The only reason why he stayed in the first place, was because the complications between Dean and Castiel. Their goodbye was simple; a brotherly hug and a reminders to take care of themselves and each other. Then, Sam took off in an old, rusty Skoda, which surprisingly still worked well enough.

       Dean was teaching Castiel some basics about the 1967 Chevrolet Impala, when Bobby called from inside. Dean let go of the rag he was holding, wiping his dirty hands on it. He wiped his forehead with the same hands just seconds later, leaving dirt all over his face. Although it looked foolish, Castiel didn't complain seeing his boyfriend in a tight black t-shirt, drenched in sweat by the hot weather.

       When Dean came back minutes later, Castiel was working under the hood of the car. He was surprised by Dean pulling him back and pulling him into an embrace. Castiel hugged back without hesitation, but chuckled either way.

       "What's got you in such a good mood?" he asked, crossing his arms amusedly while leaning against the car. Dean blushed, probably realising how weird this must have looked.

       "Charlie called. She found a case and asked me for backup," he replied, the smile returning to his face.

       "Charlie, as in lesbian, sister you never wanted, red haired Charlie?" Castiel asked, making Dean nod. "You're excited to see her again?"

       "Yes, of course! I just can't wait to introduce you two," Dean spoke, the blush returning while speaking.

       "Well, we better get going, then,"

       The car ride was everything but quiet. Dean told Castiel how he, Sam and Charlie had met. He told him how he helped her flirt with a guy because she felt too uncomfortable doing so. He told him how smart the girl was and how much he was going to get along with her.

       It was downright adorable to watch and hear him talk like that.

       "So, what was the case Charlie told you about?" Castiel asked once Dean was finished with his story. Dean looked at him a few seconds too long, making Castiel grab his chin and make him look forward. "Eyes on the road, babe."

       "I love it when you take control like that," Dean smirked, looking over again, only to be met with a stern glare. "Alright, alright! There was this guy at Charlie's work. She and her colleague, Keith Longheart, had a break together last week. The man was shoving food down like his life depended on it in an unnatural way, so she did some digging. Turns out, his father was killed twenty years ago after showing the same symptoms. I looked over in my dad's journal to that date and found out that he solved the case."

       "So, we are talking about a rugaru?" Castiel asked, just to be sure. Dean nodded.

       "We believe so. Charlie is looking after him at work for any differences, but she always calls us to take care of the cases she finds. I'd do the same if I were her. Torching a son of a bitch isn't something you do daily."

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