Chapter ten

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10. Who said life was easy?

A loud sound of a bullet leaving its gun could be heard, echoing through the empty fields. Only seconds after that, a beer bottle shattered all over the grass.

Castiel was still holding the gun in his hands, his eyes wide by adrenaline. He had never known that he could shoot, and didn't expect to hit the target in one try. He turned around with a big smile on his face, his eyes greeted with two green shining ones behind him. He wanted to hug the man in front of him, who grabbed the gun hurriedly.

"Cas, don't forget to put the safety back on! You could've shot me," he said, his tone teasing while he put the safety on. It was his favourite gun, so his actions were quite hesitant. Yet, he handed the gun over to the excited man in front of him.

"Keep it. You need to be able to protect yourself," he said. Castiel blushed, taking the gun with a grateful look on his face. He secured the gun behind his back, pulling the hunter in a hug hesitantly.

"Thank you." The words were mere a whisper in Dean's ears, yet the sound didn't go unnoticed. He smiled and kissed the slightly smaller man on his head.

The Winchesters and Castiel had arrived at Bobby's two days ago. Ever since, the hunters taught Castiel the basics of hunting. He had admitted that he knew that they hunted monsters, which made their job a lot easier.

Yesterday, they had taught him the signs of all kinds of monsters. It was a lot of information, but by the end of the day, Castiel knew exactly what to do.

It was Monday now, meaning the students missed school. When Dean told him he could always drive him back, Castiel had shaken his head and made clear he wanted to stay. It made Dean's heart clench, knowing that the blue eyed man was stubborn. He didn't want to get him hurt, but he wouldn't budge. All he wanted was for both Sam and Castiel to be safe in college.

       Today, Castiel was learning the basics of what to use against which monster and how to use a weapon. He had proven to be quite good with guns, which was helpful. Dean had to admit that the 22 years old looked amazing, holding a gun. He never said that out loud of course.

       The two longing men stepped away from each other, as Dean nudged Castiel towards the set up table in the grass. The black haired man didn't even know what half of the weapons were. He looked around with interest, holding a sharp, shiny, rough looking blade.

       "Those blades are useful for decapitation of a vampire's head. It kills them," Dean explained, chuckling at the grossed out expression on Castiel's face. "Alright, so a gun won't save your ass for most of the time. In order to kill werewolves, you need silver bullets. A wendigo needs to be set on fire, a ghost needs to be burned, well, the remains. Demons can be exercised and killed by this knife. We use the knife most of the time because the exorcising spell is long. Witches you can shoot, shape shifters react to silver, too but can die from a normal bullet."

       As Dean named all the different supernatural beings and their weaknesses, Castiel noticed how much he actually knew about this stuff. Of course it was his job, he had explained that, but he never got any profit from it and if it wasn't for him being one of the best American hunters - that's what Sam said - he would've gotten himself killed a thousand times now. He wondered if the freckled man had ever thought about settling down, go to college and make something of his life.

       Dean, who noticed the distant look in Castiel's eyes, tilted his head slightly. The man had a frown on his face, looking deep in thought. Dean stared at the frown, his eyes trailing towards the man's eyes, who seemed to get more blue everyday. Dean's forest green eyes trailed down even more, noticing a stubble starting to get visible next to his cupid bow. They stopped stopping when they reached the soft looking lips. They were slightly parted, showing his teeth just a bit. Dean gulped, looking away quickly.

       "What's on your mind?" he spoke cautiously. Castiel's head shot up, blushing when he saw a somewhat flustered, yet amused Dean next to him. He shrugged, smiling lightly.

       "Was it me?" Dean asked cheekily. Given by the blush on Castiel's already slightly burned skin, he figured he was right. "Cas, if you want me, you just have to ask for it."

       The voice was teasing, making the black haired man roll his eyes. He made a bitch face, trying to not to get Dean's hopes up. As a reply, the man chuckled. "Don't worry, I was just kidding. You wanna communicate about it?" He held his phone out to the mostly mute man, who took it gratefully. Talking two words was what Castiel was comfortable with, but not whole conversations yet.

       You live a dangerous life. I wish things were different for you and Sam, he wrote. As Dean read it, his expression hardened. Putting the phone in his pocket, he turned to the table once again.

       "Let's get back to work," he said. The coldness in his voice made Castiel shiver in a bad way. He just looked around sadly, his good mood ruined immediately. When Dean tried to grab his hand on their way back later, Castiel pulled his hand away and secured it in the pocket of his trench coat.

       When they arrived at Bobby's, Castiel walked upstairs without any attempt of contact. Sam was putting plates on the table when the distressed man walked past him. Dean frowned, his eyes locking with his little brother's.

       "Dean, what happened?" He asked, leaving the plates and walking over to him. Dean opened his mouth to speak, closing it again.

       "I-I don't know. We were just talking and then he- and I just put my walls up, like I always do. Fuck, I just- I don't know," Dean rambled. Sam looked at his brother worriedly.

       "Dean, hey. What we need to do, is go upstairs and find Castiel before he does something stupid," he said, making Dean look at him. The man nodded frantically. The taller man patted his brother's shoulder, before walking upstairs in a hurry.

      At that moment, Dean remembered the reason why he visited Sam in the first place: his concern about Castiel. Sam had talked about being afraid that he might be hurting himself. He ran after his little brother, who barged into the guest room. Dean saw that the bathroom door was locked. He heard soft cries on the other side.

      "Cas, I know you can hear me. Please don't do anything and just come out. I'm sorry for being so rude on the hunting subject. Don't make me kick down this door," he said, knocking on it. Sam, who was walking towards the bathroom now, too, pushed Dean aside and kicked the door down like it was nothing.

       Normally, Dean would've complimented him, or at least make an impressed face, but with the sight in front of them, it didn't even come up. His eyes were fixed on Castiel, as tears started to fall.

      What had he done?

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