Chapter twenty-four

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24. I kinda like the devil

*mentions of abuse*

It was weird how similar the scene was to the last visit, yet it appeared to be so unfamiliar. Once again, they stood in the hall of the hospital. This time they were waiting for Gabriel to arrive. Dean had his arm wrapped around Castiel's waist, only now because the man could barely stand on his own and refused to get in a wheelchair, not because the hurt man actually wanted to be close to Dean.

Castiel didn't feel as secure as he did the last time they visited. Every time Dean touched him, flashbacks of the shapeshifter case filled his mind. Although he was slowly starting to believe Dean's story, he didn't want to. All he wanted was to distance himself from his surroundings, so he couldn't get hurt. Just like the way it was before the Winchesters entered his life.

"Cassie!" Gabriel came running towards the three waiting men. When he saw his little brother's condition, he slowed down his pace and looked at the Winchesters suspiciously. "What happened?"

"That's a long story," Dean replied, looking at Gabriel sadly. A small smile matched the sound of his voice. Castiel could feel the vibrations of the hunter's voice on his side, making him shiver unwillingly. Gabriel glared at the older brother and looked at Castiel now.

"Well, I have time. First things first, Luci is thrilled to see you again. I'll kick some Winchester butts later. Come on!" Limping slightly, Castiel followed his enthusiastic brother slowly. He was still disturbed by the hand on his waist, but at least he didn't collapse on the ground.

One thing that was similar to the last time they visited Lucifer, was his nervousness. His heart was thumping in his chest and his hands were shaking. This time, it took them a lot longer to actually get to the room, which was agonising in Castiel's eyes. The hallway just seemed to go on and on, expanding woth every step he took.He had actually tried to turn around, but Dean's arm had pushed him forwards against his will.

When they eventually reached the room, he stopped in the doorway. It was hard not to burst out in tears at the sight of his eldest brother, awake and smiling, knowing that it was his fault he was there in the first place. All sounds seemed to have faded in the room, except for the beeping of the machines attached to Lucifer.

"Cassie, is that you?" His voice sounded hoarse, yet so familiar. Castiel let out a small, choked sob. As a result, he felt the arm on his back pull him even closer. He whimpered slightly, but leaned back either way. Whether he liked it or not, Dean's grip made him feel like he was not alone.

The youngest Novak nodded slowly. Gabriel, being too enthusiastic, pulled him forwards to go talk to his brother. Because of his injuries, he almost fell, stumbling over his feet. Dean was there to prevent that from happening, shooting a warning glare at Gabriel while holding Castiel.

"Be careful, you idiot," he warned. Gabriel looked at his little brother in realisation, a guilty look crossing his face.

"I'm sorry little bro. I'm just so happy that Luci is awake." Castiel let out a forced, closed mouthed smile, before turning towards the now concerned looking Lucifer. He let a tear slip, which slid down his healing cheek. Dean glanced at him knowingly.

"Cas doesn't really feel like talking at the moment, so I'll be his mouth for now. He feels guilty, Lucifer. He blames himself for your condition. That's why he's so sad right now. Well, partly," Dean explained. The last two words, he spoke quietly and full of concern. Again, he confused Castiel. Why was he so concerned; so guilty?

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