Chapter seventeen

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17. Freaking witches

       "Alright, do you remember what I told you about witches?" Dean asked for the third time that evening. Castiel grabbed his hand, glaring at him playfully.

       "No, please enlighten me," he joked, making Dean glare at him. He chuckled lightly, squeezing his hand lightly. "I'll be fine, Dean."

       "Sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt," he replied, giving him a sad smile. Castiel shot him an adorable smile before placing a gentle kiss on his mouth.

       "Don't you worry about me. Worry about that witch. Now, we've already found the hex bags at the victims houses and the only thing they have in common is that they ever dated or had a one night stand with her. So, what do you want to do? Barge in there without a plan or take it more subtly?"

       "Oh, I love it when you take control like that," Dean smirked, making Castiel roll his eyes. He crossed his arms, waiting for an actual reply. "Alright, alright. Normally, I would just run in and gank the bitch, but the evidence we have isn't very convincing. It's either investigating some more, or interrogating her."

       "Well, we're kinda sitting in front of her house, waiting for something to happen. I think that option two is more accurate right now," Castiel said, earning a cheeky smile from Dean. He chuckled in realisation. "Right, you already thought this through."

       "I've been doing this for over twenty years, babe. In a while, you'll think just the same," he said, making the other man smile. Castiel grabbed the gun that Dean gave him and loaded it.

       "Well, what are you waiting for? We haven't gotten all day,"

12 hours earlier

       "Dean?! Can you come down for a second?" The harsh, yet kind sound of Bobby's voice echoed through the room.

       Dean and Castiel were cuddling on one of Bobby's beds, listening two all kinds of music. Castiel had never felt like listening to it before, but he wasn't disappointed when he was introduced AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Guns 'n Roses, Bon Jovi, Kansas and go on. Dean felt like he couldn't love the man in his arms more at that moment. When Bobby called, they were listening to 'there was a time' by Guns 'n Roses, which Castiel found quite catchy. It was why he pouted when Dean turned off the music.

       "We can continue the song later, Cas," Dean told his boyfriend, kissing him on the lips. It had been a week since they slept together, which had brought them even closer than before. It had been the only time so far, but Dean respected that. After all, he was already so proud that Castiel opened up so much.

       Much to both their dismay, he untangled himself from Castiel and rolled off the bed. The raven haired man followed him downstairs, where Bobby was, leaning against the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"What's up Bobby?" he asked.

"There's a case a couple of hours away from here, involving what seems to be witchcraft. Garth informed me, but he's working on another case at the moment. Now, I'm not 30 anymore and I'm laying off hunting for a while. Those stupid sons of bitches got me good. Anyways, I know you've missed hunting, and I wanted to let you know," Bobby said. Dean pursed his lips, glancing at Castiel. Much to his surprise, the man was smiling enthusiastically.

"Oh my God, can I come?" Bobby and Dean shared a worried look, before Dean looked at his boyfriend, who looked like a kid standing in a candy shop for the first time. He sighed.

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