Chapter twenty-eight

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28. The end of the beginning. Part 2

A/N: I'm sorry

       "We need some help here!" Dean exclaimed loudly while he and Castiel walked through the entrance of the hospital that was closest to the rugaru scene. Castiel was still half shirtless and carrying the woman, who's name was Daniella. Nurses immediately surrounded them, and within seconds Daniella was wheeled away. Dean sighed in relief.

       "What's up?" Castiel asked. He wanted to grab the hunter's hand but his own were bloody, so he merely touched it.

       "It always feels good to save people. I just wish we could save everyone," he replied, staring into the distance where the injured woman had disappeared. He linked their pinkies together with a small smile.

       "You saved me." Castiel felt pressure on his forehead, leaning into the touch while Dean slipped an arm around his waist. 

       "Charlie could be here any minute," Dean mumbled. He was barely done with his sentence or he was pulled away from Castiel, making them both turn around warily. When Dean noticed the familiar mob of red hair, he sighed in relief and pulled her in a hug.

       "Hey Charles," he whispered in her ear. Castiel was facing Dean's back awkwardly, as he couldn't see Charlie's face either. However, he did give them some time. When they did pull away, he was pulled in a hug as well. He let out a muffled sound in surprise, holding his arms away from the petite form.

       "Could you maybe- get off me? I don't want your jacket to get bloody," he said awkwardly. He met Dean's amused eyes, making a weird face. He had found out that he could easily make Dean laugh, which in this case worked once again.

       "Oh, right. Sorry. I'm Charlie," she said, almost bouncing around. She held her hand out invitingly, but Castiel just gave her an apologetic look.

       "Hands," was the only thing he said, showing her. She blushed.


       As they walked towards the car, Dean and Charlie were catching up and Castiel walked behind them, respecting the fact that they hadn't seen each other in a while. He let Charlie sit in the front. It didn't stop her from asking Castiel a million questions. They varied from his favourite colour to how he and Dean met. He just knew he could answer them all truthfully, so that's what he did.

       As the conversation between Castiel and Charlie lasted, Dean admired his boyfriend from the rearview. His eyes grew as he talked about his brothers, using his hands to create more depth to the story. He hadn't realised that he was staring too long, until Charlie let out a scream.

        "DEAN, WATCH OUT!"

       Dean woke up, the light blinding to his eyes. It didn't take him long to realise that he was in a hospital. He let out a painful groan, getting used to the white surroundings and the sound of his heart rate. On his right, he noticed two figures. He blinked a few times, recognising the tall posture of his brother and the red hair of Charlie.

       "What happened? Where is Cas?" He asked, trying to sit up. However, Sam pushed him back on the bed.

       "Easy there, Dean. You weren't paying attention to the road and swayed to the left. The left side of the car collided with a truck, flipping it over. You're lucky you only broke your arm," Charlie said, not exactly happy. Luckily, she seemed to be fine, except for a few scratches here and there. Tears escaped her eyes shamelessly as she continued "What were you thinking, you idiot!"

       "Where is Cas," Dean asked again, ignoring Charlie's scolding. Sam gave him a sad look, making his stomach churn. "Is he alright?"

       "He's alive," Sam replied, his eyes finding the floor after he spoke the words. Dean ripped out the IV, ignoring the pain and stood up.

       "What are you doing? Get back in bed!" Charlie said, her eyes widening. Sam put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

       "He deserves to see him while he can," Sam mumbled quietly, but not quiet enough. Dean felt panic rise up in his chest at his brother's words.

       "Sammy, what are you talking about? What's wrong with Cas?" He asked, eyes wide.

       "I'll show you." Sam helped Dean up and walked him through the hallway. They avoided  the nurses, since he wasn't allowed out of bed. As soon as they reached the Intensive Care unit, Dean knew something was terribly wrong.

       Sam opened the door for him and leaded him in. It was quiet, but then he heard it: the slow beeps of a beating heart. The first thing he saw was Castiel's face. His left side was barely visible, torn apart and bandaged. His eyes were closed, a oxygen mask on his face. Dean couldn't see the rest of his body, but he could not imagine the pain he was in.

       "The truck hit the back of the car the most, slicing Castiel's skin open. His leg is badly fractured and most likely needs to be amputated. His lungs collapsed when you flipped over. They say it's a miracle that he didn't die on impact," Sam said. His voice sounded muted, as Dean took one of Castiel's hands. The minute their skin touched, he let out a loud sob, pulling the lifeless hand towards him.

       "I'm so sorry. We crashed because I couldn't take my damn eyes off you and fuck if I hadn't been so reckless-" he couldn't continue. He let out a shaky breath, kissing the unconscious man's hand over and over again.

       "Dean." Dean looked up, seeing only one blue eye due to the bandage. This only made him cry harder. Castiel gave his hand a light squeeze. "Don't be sorry."

       "What do you mean, don't be sorry?! You might as well be dead because of me!" Dean exclaimed, barely keeping it together. Weakly, Castiel smiled and squeezed his hand again.

       "It's OK Dean. They are begging me to come," Dean started to panic again, moving even closer. Sam too, moved closer to hear his words.

       "Who are begging you?" Sam asked warily, his hands gripping on the edge of the bed. Castiel gave them the same small smile.

       "The voices. They keep whispering my name, begging me to come home," he replied. He sounded drained out and closed his eyes.

       "Cas?! Baby, look at me. You're not gonna die. Not today. Not on my watch," Dean said hurriedly. Much to his relief, his eye opened again.

       "I love you, Dean Winchester," he spoke, barely intelligible.

       "I love you too, Cas. So, so much,"

       By now, Dean was sobbing, his body shaking and vision blurry. Sam hugged him from behind, as they watched Castiel's eyes droop.

       This was the moment where Dean realised he would never see those beautiful blue eyes again. Another man he loved died, because he loved him too much. He loved him too much to let him go.

       The moment stopped once a long beeping sound filled the room, muting out all other sounds in the room. It was the sound of a heart dying, taking its host with it. It was the sound of a soul entering heaven, for he was the purest, most beautiful soul ever seen.

       It was the sound of the end of Castiel Novak.

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