Chapter thirty-five

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35. Swan song

*prepare for some deep shit.*

       There are times in life that are worthy enough to look back to years later. Take birth for example. The small child, innocent and new to this world, has a whole life in front of him or her. Created by love - well, most of the time - and raised with that same love. Another thing worth remembering, is their first word. Common are words like mom or daddy, but maybe it is 'apple' or 'shirt'.

       Then comes the part where they begin to walk and pee on a potty. The first acts of dependency make the parents so proud, not realising that it's all the beginning. The beginning of letting them go. Then, their first day of school. Of course, puberty is not excluded from that list. Although it's tiring, frustrating and you fear you're losing your child, the continues bickering will always be remembered.

       Of course, when they get older, they'll get 'the talk'. Around that age, hormones will start to rise and boyfriends and girlfriends will come along. Seeking for your parents with heartbreak, college. These are all moments that will never be forgotten and will most likely result to long talks about the past.

       Then, there's this one moment that is and should be the most wonderful, incredible moment in your life. Marriage. Although not everybody believes in the act, and half of the marriages end with divorces, there are still cases with true love. There will always be.

       For Sam, this day hurt. He had wanted this with Jessica all these years ago, and now his brother was the one walking towards the isle. His brother, of course, knew exactly how he felt and had hugged him the first second they saw each other on the big day. Nonetheless, he was truly happy for his brother and knew that it was wrong for him to bitch about it.

       Dean Winchester was a mess too, only was he filled with nerves and self consciousness. It had been three months since he proposed, and it were the most nerve wrecking months of his life. They hadn't been on a hunt because he was too scared that Castiel would get hurt again. Of course, he was sad that his parents wouldn't be there to see this; to see what he had accomplished.

       And then there was Castiel. The angel who had fallen for humanity; for Dean. He thought back to the spell the Djinn had him under, still not knowing if it was indeed the king of hell that was behind the change of effects. He would never know, because Lucifer killed him years back. Due to all his years as an angel, he had never felt more nerves in his life.

       The guest list was quite simple. Gabriel was Castiel's best man. The moment Dean had proposed, Castiel had prayed to him and told him about the proposal. He had flown his way to the hospital and healed him from his injuries, saying that he needed to be at full capacity for the wedding. Of course, how could Castiel think of someone else as a best man.

       Without doubt, Sam was Dean's best man and witness. They had talked about it for hours, because Sam felt like he didn't deserve to be his best man. Then, Dean went on full chick flick moment to tell his brother that no matter what would happen, he would always be the one standing beside him on the alter. As a result, Sam had cried and thanked him a thousand times.

       Furthermore, Jody Mills came, together with Alex and Claire. Garth was there too, as well as the witch twins and a few other hunters. Sonny had also arrived, tears in his eyes, seeing the troubled boy he once knew, all grown up. Much to their surprise, a few angels and demons showed up too. It didn't end up in a fight. Meg had gladly excepted their invitation, and Hannah had been an example of an angel to arrive. After all, they had all always known.

       There was one seat reserved that would always remain empty. They all knew he couldn't be there, but Bobby Singer was like a father to them. To Sam, to Dean, but also to Castiel. All with absent fathers, they had been blessed to have this man in their lives, and he wasn't allowed to miss this. They all smiled when Dean chuckled and said:

       "I can imagine him sitting in his chair with a bottle of vodka, scowling at us and saying: Took you long enough, you sons of bitches. Now I'm dead. Idjits"

       Dean was pulled out of his thoughts by a knock on his door. He turned around to see Jody peeking from outside. He looked back in the mirror, looking for flaws. He had grown his hair longer and it was now quiffed to the side. It reminded him of his time as a demon, but he still liked it.

       "You look amazing, Dean," she smiled with this motherly smile he missed so much. He had asked her to guide him towards the alter. She had cried, saying yes. She pulled on his dark blue tie, brushing over it once.

       "You ready?" she asked, holding her arm out invitingly. He took a deep breath, and another, before linking his arm through hers. He didn't dare to speak because of his nerves, so he just focused on his breathing. Soon, they walked into the garden, where everyone was already waiting. He noticed all their faces and smiled seeing Sam with tears in his eyes.

       Then, he looked to his fiancé and the world stopped. In contrary to his black suit with dark blue tie, he was wearing a dark blue one with a black tie. The dress pants hugged his ass perfectly, as his sun kissed skin contrasted greatly against the white button up. God, he looked so beautiful.

       Dean suddenly felt self conscious in his steps, mouth agape and wanting to just stand there and watch the setting sun create a golden glow around his soon to be husband. Too soon he stood in front of Castiel, his mouth dry and palms sweaty. Jody kissed both of their cheeks before returning to her seat.

       As the hired priest spoke, all the lovers did was stare at each other. If it wasn't for the rings and the 'I do's, they might as well have stayed there forever. As soon as the whole ritual was finished, Dean smashed his lips on Castiel's.

       Signatures were made by markers on a paper, making it official. Dean and Castiel Winchester were married.

       In the following hours were filled with congratulations and speeches. The one speech that silenced everyone, was Dean's.

       "To be honest, who would've thought I'd stand here; married to the most beautiful angel of all. I had never expected this to happen, after all the pain I've faced. There are so many people that I would have given anything for to be here. As idiotic as it may be, I'm going to list them all. First of all, my mom and dad. Then there's Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Ash, Charlie, Kevin, Adam, Pamela, Rowena and hell even Crowley. These are all people and creatures that died on my - on our watch. This are all individuals that I would have saved a seat for. These are all persons that we love. So, instead of toasting for me and my husband, I would make a toast to the people I just named and everyone that gave their lives for us."

       Who would have known, that all the people he named, were celebrating with them in heaven. They were all family, and they were home.

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