Chapter nineteen

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19. Holidays mean cases

The sound of a car driving through the junk yard and stopping in front of the house woke Dean up the next morning. Groggily, he looked at the mob of black hair that belonged to his sleeping - and very much naked -boyfriend. He kissed Castiel's neck gently, just above the outline of one of the longest scars on his back. He smiled against the man's skin when he began to wake up.

"What are you doing?" Castiel groaned, turning himself around so he was facing Dean. The man smiled and kissed him on the nose.

"I think Sam just arrived," Dean replied, pecking Castiel on his lips quickly, before literally rolling out of bed. Castiel laughed at his face that could be seen from his position.

"Dork," he teased, cuddling with his blankets. Dean just winked and threw on some clothes quickly, as voices could be heard from downstairs.

"Are you coming too?" Dean asked, turning around. He smiled when he noticed that Castiel had fallen asleep again. He stared at the relaxed, beautiful face for a few more seconds before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. He went downstairs where his tall little brother was talking to Bobby.

"Sammy!" He exclaimed, quickening his steps. His brother met him halfway and pulled him in a bone crushing hug. "How are the brain cells?"

"Hey Dean," Sam laughed, patting his back, before pulling away. He looked up and down his older brother, with raised eyebrows. "My brain cells are amazing. They are wondering why you're wearing one of Castiel's sweaters, though."

Dean looked down, smiling sheepishly when he realised his brother was right. Sam let out a surprised laugh.


"I'm gone for what? Two months? And look how much I've missed. You must really be a good influence on him. Or he on you," he explained, the smile on his face widening when Dean blushed. He had never seen his brother this happy before, and it joyed him to see this side of him. "Where is he anyways?"

"Cas? Oh, he's sleeping. He didn't really sleep a lot last night," Dean answered, that sheepish smile still on his face. Bobby mumbled something incomprehensible behind them, walking away.

"You're just jealous that I have such a nice piece of ass to myself, Bobby!" Dean exclaimed loudly, making Sam laugh and Bobby mumble out an 'idjit'.

"I'm seriously glad that the two of you are happy, Dean," Sam said, getting the excited man's attention. Dean smiled up to his taller brother.

"Yeah, you could say that we really are," he smiled back. Before the two of them could continue to catch up, two arms were wrapped around his waist.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." He turned himself around, so he looked in Castiel's sleepy eyes, he was wearing Dean's AC/DC shirt, probably because Dean stole his sweater. It was the most exposed he had been in public since Dean knew him, which made him feel more proud.

"I thought you fell asleep again," Dean mumbled, pressing a kiss on his lips. Castiel smiled lazily, yet a mischievous hint could be seen in his eyes.

"Yeah, well. I woke up by someone yelling about a hot piece of ass. What was that all about?" he pretended to look confused. Sam laughed quietly behind them, as Dean smirked.

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